2024 Planting Season!

A consent decree between the Democrat National Party and the Republican National Party has been lifted. The Consent Decree prohibited the Republicans from engaging in voter suppression tactics. Now, the chair of the Republican Party is openly saying that the Republican Party will again target communities of color with voter suppression tactics. She is saying that there will be Republican operatives who will be at the polling places who will try to get your ballot from you. Once they get it…I doubt that your vote will be counted. I don’t understand why the Consent Decree was not extended as the Republican Party has violated it since its inception.

Do Not, I repeat Do Not, allow anyone to handle your ballot when you are at the polls to vote. There might be people there called “poll watchers” and that is all they should be doing is observing. These “poll watchers” are not your friends. They should not have any interaction with the voters and should be reported to the election officials who are on the premises if they attempt any interaction. Further, there should be no policemen/law enforcement on the premises. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by those who would interfere with your right to vote. See, below: T.C.A. Section 2-7-103 for those persons who may be present at the polling premises.

(a) No person may be admitted to a polling place while the procedures required by this chapter are being carried out except election officials, voters, persons properly assisting voters, the press, poll watchers appointed under § 2-7-104 and others bearing written authorization from the county election commission.

(c) No police or other law enforcement officer may come nearer to the entrance to a polling place than ten feet (10′) or enter the polling place except at the request of the officer of elections or the county election commission or to make an arrest or to vote.

(d) No person may go into a voting machine or a voting booth while it is occupied by a voter except as expressly authorized by this title.

Just watched “The Woman in the Iron Coffin” on PBS. A reconstruction was done of her face. She was very pretty, but even before that–the way she was buried the care that was taken with her body, I thought…she was loved. She died of smallpox probably in the 1850s and was part of the free Black community in Queens, a borough of New York City. I wonder if any of the family they believe her to be a member of is alive today and why a DNA match was not a goal. (Sorry to say that she was reconstructed by a white male reconstructionist and, therefore, he probably whiticized her.)

I’ve planted petunias. For the first time, the root system on the petunias didn’t look well developed. There’s a chance the petunias will recover, but now the plants don’t look that healthy. Will be planting tomatoes and some herbs this week. I’m hardening them off before planting and the plants appear strong and healthy. No zinnia pop-ups and I look every day. Probably not consistently warm enough for them to sprout.

Welfare Queen conjures up a picture of a lazy Black woman having babies in order to receive a welfare check she does not deserve. Well, guess what, when that term was used so derogatorily back in the 1980s, the woman who was defrauding the government and anyone else she could was a white woman who posed as a Black woman and women of other ethnicities. Another lie, another stereotype based in a white narrative that had no basis in reality of Black life in these United States. See cited article for a brief recap of that white woman’s life of grift and criminality: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/12/20/255819681/the-truth-behind-the-lies-of-the-original-welfare-queen

Did you know when Aid For Dependent Children was enacted in 1935 the intended recipients were white women? Black women were not eligible until the 1960s. But every one knows, don’t they, that welfare for white people is a right and for everyone else it is dreaded socialism.

Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. Mark Twain

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