THe name for modern humans should be homo stupidus ignoranium. “Sapiens” should be deleted from any description of the modern human. Why debase, devalue, or pervert the meaning of sapiens? Let’s just admit that as a species we shouldn’t delude ourselves by saying or thinking that sapiens is a fact or that it is aspirational. It isn’t. Very few humans are wise; most are ignorant and revel in their ignorance.
We must remember the kinds of people from England who settled the United States. They were not the gentry…the gentry had no reason to leave England unless they were unfortunate enough to lose their estate through gambling and/or business dealings and/or criminal acts they could not buy (money or prestige) their way out of. Most of the English settlers were lower class misfits–criminals, prostitutes, thieves, murderers, religious nonconformists–persons any civilized society wanted to be rid of. There were also the younger sons who could not inherit because of primogeniture. They came to make their fortune and return triumphant to the area controlled by their family or to London to flaunt their wealth. (Primogeniture–the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son.)
My take on it is that these people did not come here to cooperate with anyone to build a society. They came here for selfish reasons or were forced here because English society deemed them uncivilized. They came to pillage the land for their own personal gain. Selfish and uncivilized–is there any wonder that their descendants have no use for a civil society, or education, or generally anything that hints of cooperation?
And the people who self selected to immigrate to these United States–they did not immigrate to build a society or to be part of a society. They came to grift their way to riches. Think of the person who immigrated from India who became a multi-millionaire by marketing a drug that he knew was ineffective. The United States attracts these grifters because the soul of the United States glorifies greed. Think Barnum–a sucker is born every minute–to paraphrase.
The fear factor is in full play. Mass shooting in New Orleans, Tesla vehicle exploded in Nevada, people being pushed in front of subway trains, and on and on. That’s what the people in power want–people in fear. And the white people who are always looking for a savior will rally around any white male who says he will alleviate their fear. It will never occur to them that if they were not so evil, they would have less to fear. But self knowledge is not something the people who call themselves white will ever pursue.
All over the world, the hoi polloi live in a fear that is usually created by the males they have chosen to lead them. And those that realize the truth usually only want to be like the males who appear to have everything–wealth, women, power. So, the atmosphere of fear never ceases.
Isn’t the United States a child of the class based English society? As a child, does it not long to imitate the parent? That’s what going backwards means. Creating a class based in wealth and land ownership that keeps a millstone around the hoi polloi that they use up to maintain their wealth and status. From reading English literature, the wealthy, the powerful had no use for the lower classes that they kept poor, underfed, sick, uneducated, except as minions that they could use to add to their wealth and to feed their ego on their supposed superiority. Isn’t that what white supremacy is all about?
A greed based society is based in transactional cooperation, i.e., I, the one in power, will allow you a little and I’ll take a lot–that’s the deal–take it or leave it. The people in power will destroy the society if the society tends toward a society based in true cooperation, i.e., a society where there is benefit for everyone. In a true cooperation society, one benefits the whole by one’s individual acts. As the individual benefits, the entire society benefits. I think, in such a society, no one is crying wolf to create fear that benefits only the one and the one’s cronies. No one is minding their neighbor’s actions because everyone’s actions ultimately benefits the society’s aims and goals. Is such a society far-fetched?
The patriarchy of the last millennia has dumbed down homo into the lemmings that walk this planet in this year 2025. I learned a new word today. Opsimath–a life-long learner is my paraphrase of the definition. Opsimaths are rare. Curiosity that searches for truth is rare. The desire to be more than a greed based physical being is rare. Know thyself is unheard of.
Do we really have to return to the days of the robber barons? The days when poison was freely sold as cures? The days when contaminated food and water caused mass illness and death? The days when one literally worked oneself to death while living in squalor? Seems like those days are already here. An example–tea bags leach microplastics. Why? Old fashioned tea bags were too expensive? Or is the goal to have a sicker population so certain corporations can make even more money?
For homo stupidus ignoranium, I would say yes.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. George Carlin
The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. Machiavelli
It may be possible to fight intolerance, stupidity, and fanaticism separately, but when they come together there is no hope. Einstein
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