Fear: Real and Imagined

Fragility and fear–the cited article tells us that studies have shown that the January 6th rioters/insurrectionists were mostly white males, ages thirties to sixties, who were afraid of losing their white privilege. The article talks about rights, but there is no right to be the only person considered competent for a job, to live in a certain neighborhood, to feel superior to others all because of your skin color. That is “privilege”. These insurrectionists, overwhelmingly, came from areas where there had been a decrease in the white population and an increase in the non-white population. These males, mediocre, average, did not want to compete with the newcomers for jobs, etc. They wanted to install someone as president who would protect their white privilege. That is the sickness this country is dealing with. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/01/january-6-capitol-riot-arrests-research-profile.html And, as most of us are average, the fear these males acted upon is more widespread than we might think.

In the above picture of a unicorn and a black rhinoceros, one is a fiction, a product of someone’s imagination, and the other is a very real verifiable animal that can, if riled, kill you. But I’ve come to realize that fear based in fiction is as real as a fear based in reality. What we’re dealing with in the United States is white fear based in the projected fiction of the bubbles they have created to sustain and maintain their false perception of their exceptionalism. When their perception of exceptionalism is challenged, whites resort to violence. Apparently, in their minds, violence is the only reasonable, rational tool/response that exceptional people use to sustain/maintain their exceptionalism. Note: I read somewhere, I don’t know where, don’t remember when, don’t remember the context but the gist was that a rhinoceros might have inspired the creation of the unicorn myth and a quick search of the internet for “unicorn myth” confirms that I read it somewhere.

Did you hear about the Alaskan Airlines plane that had a panel/plug rip off, leaving a hole in the plane? Well, the white supremacists and haters are at it again. The pilot of the plane was a Black female and it’s her fault that there was obviously faulty manufacturing or quality check of the airplane. By the way, she safely landed the plane and there were no injuries or loss of life. Shout out to her for her competence and level-headedness in what was surely a frightening situation.

Why vote for someone who is a first generation child of immigrants from a country that maintains a caste system? Their parents were participants in a caste system in which they, because of their caste, were able to get an education. Which in turn, allowed them to meet the entry requirements to immigrate to the United States. These people are invested in the caste system and would like to see it formalized in the United States. Just like immigrants from Germany…some are invested in the Nazi ideology. Some want to spread the toxicity of their home country to the United States. It’s what has provided status and riches for their family in the past.

Note African immigrants whose countries have been ruled by strongmen for decades. Some of them were part of the problem and, for whatever reason, fell into disfavor. They have no problem voting for narcissistic old men who wield power through favoritism and murder. They come here and loudly proclaim their allegiance to and support for the same type of person who has devastated their country. But, they don’t see it that way. They were favored and, they, deluded, believe that the strongman in this country will reward them for their support.

I wonder if the Black, female former president of Harvard actually believed that her family’s wealth and her education in the elite institutions of the United States would protect her from the racial swamp that is the United States. Did she know the history of Harvard, that bastion of white privilege? How the fact that white privilege is not based on merit but on skin color and money and must be protected at all cost? I wonder about us melanated people.

How does a historically Black college become predominately white? Have we lost our minds and will accept losing our institutions to them in order for the institution to survive? Better that the college had closed. Just saw a video where a Black administrator committed suicide after being bullied and marginalized at a HBCU that is now predominately white. The president was a mediocre white male who, by admission of the hiring committee, was unqualified for the job. He was to be trained. What an opportunity for this mediocre white male. Since white mediocrity cannot abide to be reminded of their lack, he set out to get rid of anyone who might be competition. He used the Black administrator who committed suicide to help him get rid of the competition. Maybe she realized that her usefulness to him was tied to her willingness to betray melanated administrators. Maybe, she just couldn’t do it anymore. See more in this Roland Martin video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/rx3FQusVBsU?si=uxPcrb6_qh1A1D5P

Sad…what we do to keep a job. But, in this capitalistic country, most of us need a job. Having an exit strategy from a toxic job is difficult in an environment wherein a future job might depend on a recommendation from the current job. If an employer does not have an employee-friendly policy regarding recommendations…one can be sabotaged. It is true that one can sue for a false negative recommendation that adversely affects one, but that is time consuming, costly, and further excludes one from certain positions. May she rest in peace.

What the Black male and females undercover shills for the Republican Party are not telling you–one: I’m being paid to sell out my people. Remember the ministers in the last presidential election who got paid to tell their congregations to vote Republican? (That story may be apocryphal, but I heard it.) How many told their congregants about that money? Also, some Black males tend to be selfish in the alpha-male sense. With some Black males, the promise of the opportunity to make money will diminish their concern for the group; two: you may have survived the four years of the former president, but he is a different person as in exponentially different–he thinks he is a god…that’s what four years of being the center of a cult has led him to believe. His cult compares him to Jesus Christ. But you will never see him feeding the poor, healing the sick, or turning water into wine. He will snatch the food from babies, he will shut down any form of government assistance; medicine and medical care will be reserved for the rich. Our tax dollars will be used to further enrich the rich. He will burn books, education will only be for the super wealthy and his minions; money is his god and he will exploit you from birth to death to suck every penny you have into his account. That’s his “great again”. He has said he wants to be a dictator…don’t believe the “for a day” proviso. Dictators die; they don’t voluntarily give up power. You see…they think they are protected because they will say master, I supported you. All I want…a few crumbs, master…a few crumbs. They did not hear him say that this great country’s blood was being tainted by people who looked like them? Gods who worship money have no crumbs to spare. Any crumb you have is a crumb he doesn’t have. The man-made god who worships money is a zero-sum god;

Three: Women will be considered less than second class citizens. It wasn’t so long ago that women could not work in certain positions; women could not obtain credit or buy a house or car; women could not vote; women could be beaten and killed by the males in their family, husband, brother, father, son and there was no recourse because women were property; women will be breeders and a woman who is not a breeder, after work has used her up, will be considered unworthy of food, shelter, or any of the basic necessities of life;

Four: Melanated lives will be on the auction block, not for sale like in the 16?? to 18?? sense…but for sport (as in murder for fun and body parts), for labor to make money for whites (even more so than we are today); Five: We must admit that we do not understand how frightened the white hoi polloi are with regard to the “replacement theory”. The white group has treated everyone as “Other” until they needed numbers and then they would admit some white adjacent group to their group to increase their numbers. They are deathly afraid, and they should be, that they will be treated as they have treated “Others”. By virtue of our melanin, we will never be a white adjacent group that will vie for successful admission to their group. We don’t understand that they will always admit a few…those with mega money (they have provided this money to the few that they have hyped as better, more worthy for some made-up reason, with the proviso that the few return the money through marriage or otherwise to the white group), mostly, to taunt the rest of us with our so-called lack or wrongness. Because it is something intrinsic in us that makes us unworthy of their group and self-hate will paralyze us into accepting our “place”. All it is is the old divide and conquer and the opiate of inclusion into the favored group that they have used to their advantage, especially since Reconstruction.

Note the below 2016 article re: the former president. The quote is from a minister:


“For Davis, Trump’s rhetoric is unimportant. “I live in the upper Midwest, and the infrastructure is falling down where we live, from the bridges to the streets to everything,” Davis said. “To have a builder, someone that’s done something in office, to say that he is going to redo infrastructure, and bring jobs back to the community through tax cuts and these types of things, then my ears are all open.””

Note: The former president did nothing for this country’s infrastructure and the tax cuts were for the wealthy and the corporations. None of this minister’s concerns were addressed during the former president’s administration. However, during his term, the former president did double down on his derogatory rhetoric toward the melanated citizens of this country.

We saw through the ministers’ hype in the last election. We will see through the hype of the melanated people who are the biscuit eaters of today. People, read the Foreword to Project 2025. The Project 2025 manifesto is almost 1,000 pages, but the Foreword summarizes the gist of the Republican’s plan for this country. And the gist is scary, especially if you are not white, male, straight, rich, and Christian.

Below is a link to the Project 2025 manifesto:


On a weather note, my weather app says that a light snow is falling. I checked. Ground is covered. The sun’s rays will be the only snowplow in my neighborhood. Sunny day, above freezing temp; the snow will melt and evaporate. Cloudy day, freezing day and/or night temps; little melt and a lot of ice. Winter in my town!

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