Purpose in Perseverance

My neighbors have a dog. My neighbors have a fenced backyard that is the dog’s playground…except… Don’t know whether the dog dug a hole under the fence or took advantage of the terrain…either way…dog got out. Dog was running around with its doggie friend. At some point, dog decided it was time to return to its backyard playground. Only…rump wouldn’t go through. Dog backs out and paws at the hole and tries again. Almost…but the rump…the rump just won’t fit. Dog paws at the hole, then paces in front of the hole for a minute or two. I got out through this hole; I’m getting back in through this hole and my peeps won’t know I was out. Then, dog tries again. No luck. Dog backs out again…stares at the hole, then trots to the neighbor’s front door.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill Wednesday allowing public officials to decline to perform marriages based on their “conscience or religious beliefs.”

The measure, known as SB 596 – HB 878, states that a person, “shall not be required to solemnize a marriage if the person has an objection to solemnizing the marriage based on the person’s conscience or religious beliefs.” Please, please let this law be challenged. If this law applies to any person paid with taxpayer funds (public official?) or who operates in interstate commerce, this law should be deemed unconstitutional.

Beyonce’s Texas Hold ‘Em and Sixteen Carriages–I am not a Beyonce fan, however, these two songs were worth a listen. Also, not a fan of country music. Country music is a prime example of cultural appropriation by whites. The banjo, the instrument most associated with country music, is derived from a West African instrument. “Up until the early 1840s, African captives were the only ones who played banjos.” https://www.blackhistory.com/2019/07/truth-black-people-created-country-music.html?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=email_this&utm_source=email

Memphis mother permits five year old to do Brazilian Waxes and work a full day. What’s wrong with us? This mother posted pictures of her daughter, a little girl, waxing the private areas of multiple women. She was bragging. Parents are supposed to protect their children and I have always thought that our children were safer with us…but there will always be outliers.


“Omar Ibn Said was 37 years old when he was taken from his West African home and transported to Charleston, South Carolina, as a slave in the 1800s. Now, his one-of-a-kind autobiographical manuscript has been translated from its original Arabic and housed at the Library of Congress, where it “annihilates” the conventional narrative of African slaves as uneducated and uncultured. Amna Nawaz reports.” Excerpt from: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-the-autobiography-of-a-muslim-slave-is-challenging-an-american-narrative

His autobiography is less than 20 pages. What intrigued me is that he wrote very little about his life in his home country. Omar Ibn Said was a scholar and studied for twenty years. However, even though we get the impression that his family was wealthy and educated–he does not tell us his area of study or anything about his family’s wealth or status. At his age and in that time, he should have been married for some years as he was probably betrothed at a young age. He did not speak of children.

Why was his village targeted? Was it a skirmish with his family and another family? Why was his village vulnerable to attack? Or was this written solely to please his white owners. He lavishly praised them, and I’m quite sure, they were so pleased to see that praise that they asked for no further memories.

1776 Commission https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The-Presidents-Advisory-1776-Commission-Final-Report.pdf The 1776 Commission was created by 45 to refute the 1619 Project. The 1619 Project made white people feel bad, so a revisionist history was fashioned that would be acceptable to white people. Below is just three of the many lies contained in the 1776 Commission. Lies created solely for the purpose of soothing white people so they would not feel bad about their group’s past barbaric, racist, misogynistic, evil behavior.

Slavery was everywhere and American Slavery was no different and not unusual. However, how many places had brutal, dehumanizing generational slavery? Even the Bible did not advocate generational slavery. And, under certain circumstances, after the Slave’s term was ended, the Slave owner had to provide the means for the former Slave to set up his own house. So the brutal, animalistic, barbaric slavery practiced in the U.S. was not the norm.

“By the end of his life, he (George Washington) freed all the slaves in his family estate.” False: George Washington’s slaves were willed to his wife with the stipulation that upon her death they should be freed. Further, there were some Slaves who were the property of George Washington’s wife that he could not free. https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/ten-facts-about-washington-slavery/

“Above all, there is the clear language of the Declaration itself: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’ The founders knew that slavery was incompatible with that truth.” Republicans claim to subscribe to “originalism”. Originalism teaches that a legal text like the Constitution should be interpreted based on the original understanding at the time of adoption. If that is the case, then the word “man” only included white, English, propertied males. Slaves were deemed to be 3/5 of a human being. Woman were the property of males. So, no, the founders did not believe that slavery was incompatible with that truth. Property was not considered “man”.

One can debunk so much of the revisionist history contained in the 1776 Commission by a simple Google search. How many people will take the time to do so?

You Tube showed a video of the audience at a Black Conservative Federation function in South Carolina. 45 was the speaker. And, cringe, there were two Black males on stage with him. (That was to give legitimacy to 45 to a certain segment of the Black population.) Guess what? The audience was majorly majority white. The audience was laughing and cheering at all of 45’s racist remarks. See, https://youtu.be/gb1h6aLQkTw?si=duWjjwvs8VdQ_iBi However, in most of the videos of the function, one only hears the cheers and laughter of the audience leading one to believe that Black attendees are cheering and laughing.

All you Republicans out there…I don’t know anyone who will vote for someone because–they have been indicted for multiple crimes; their logo is on some over-priced sneakers (Young Black male filmed wearing the sneakers and grinning–hope you got paid because you just got used. The sneakers have not been manufactured, so you did not buy them. You were given a demo pair in order to further the propaganda that Black people were supporting 45.); they have been found guilty of sexual assault and cooking their companies’ books; they have lied about what they’ve done for Black people (45 has done nothing. In another post, I detailed some of his lies, e.g., hand in hand with Black people, 45’s company did not rent to Black people, Black supporters removed from his rallies); etc.

Frances Cress Welsing said something that is so true–(paraphrase) whites say they don’t see color so they can discriminate indiscriminately.

I wrote a little about Frederick Douglass’s first wife and, by happenstance, found out some more about her. Anna Murray’s parents were freed before she was born in Denton, Maryland. She was a laundress and met her husband when he was working at the docks in Baltimore as a caulker. So, at some point she had moved to Baltimore. She helped Douglass escape by giving him sailor’s clothing and money that she had saved. After he escaped, she followed him and brought with her the things they needed to start a home.

Anna worked as a laundress and shoemaker to help support their family. Anna “also took an active role in the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society and later prevailed upon her husband to train their sons as typesetters for his abolitionist newspaper, North Star. After the family moved to Rochester, New York, she established a headquarters for the Underground Railroad, from her home, providing food, board and clean linen for fugitive slaves on their way to Canada. Douglass’s long absences from home, and Anna’s feeling that as a relatively uneducated woman she did not fit in with the social circles Douglass was now moving in, led to a degree of estrangement between them that was in marked contrast to their earlier closeness. Hurt by her husband’s liaisons with other women, she nevertheless remained loyal to Douglass’s public role; her daughter Rosetta reminded those who admired her father that his ‘was a story made possible by the unswerving loyalty of Anna Murray.’” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Murray_Douglass

Sad. In the two books I read on Frederick Douglass, one an autobiography and the other a biography, Anna was treated as an uneducated dullard not worthy of her brilliant husband. Misogyny at work!

I thought the pattern of the animal tracks was odd, so I took a picture. Maybe X does mark the spot!

You’ve seen my descent. Now watch my rising. Rumi

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