April Showers; May Flowers

I think in the past week, blackberry winter has come and gone!

Some good news. Maybe some of the hoi polloi is waking up to the fact that the Republicans do not have their best interests at heart. The workers at the Tennessee Volkswagen plant has voted to unionize. Of course, the Republicans and the billionaires were anti. When will more understand that when greed is the underlying motive for current policies and procedures, that there will never be anything for them? They feed the greed and get nothing in return.

White people need to get a grip. White people have forced their fairy tales, literature, lore onto the peoples they have colonized and now they get upset, angry, victimized when the colonized people see themselves as the main characters in those fairy tales, etc. Talk about narcissist dimwits! Only deranged colonized minds dream of white people as their heroes/heroines, fantasy figures, etc.

A synopsis of Senate Bill 2691 passed by the Tennessee legislature:

AMENDMENT #1 rewrites the bill to prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.

Tennessee is ranked 41 out of fifty States in terms of education and is one of the least educated States. Unfortunately, the legislature reflects that lack of education. During the discussion of this legislation, one of the main topics was the chemtrails conspiracy theory that has been repeatedly debunked. But, science is not the legislature’s strong suit. The legislature would rather bandy around conspiracy theories than do anything to actually benefit the people who reside in Tennessee. I think this legislation is laughable. If anyone wanted to spew such chemicals, just spew it elsewhere and let the wind carry it wherever, even into Tennessee. Apparently, these non-intelligent legislators have no idea how interconnected systems are on this Earth. I suppose the legislation is performative, but for whom?

Legislation has passed in Tennessee to arm teachers and to extend tax breaks to corporations (however, the governor hasn’t signed the latter legislation because there has been no compromise between the house and senate bills.). So far, nothing to benefit the average Tennessean. Will a teacher shoot a student or will a student gain possession of a teacher’s gun and shoot the teacher and/or another student? Waiting for the thoughts and prayers!

From the site Words Trivia, the archaic wordsnollygoster. A snollygoster is an unprincipled person. This is someone who is dishonest, cunning, and unscrupulous with the sole intention of gaining personal advantage. They are likely to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself, regardless of the consequences to others. They are likely to be motivated by self-interest and personal gain rather than any higher principles or values. They may use lies, manipulation, and other unethical means to achieve their goals. They are cunning and often difficult to confront, as they are usually very good at covering their tracks and disguising their motives.

If that word was in current usage, wouldn’t that be an apt word to describe #45? When you read it or hear it, you feel, hear, see, sense the rot, don’t you?

Isn’t it a shame we live in times where the default and the norm is the lie? To be effective, the lie must be interspersed with a nugget or nuggets of some truth, whether connected or not to the lie. Once the truth is verified, there is a presumption that all that is in a statement is true. That way the overtness of the lie is masked for the shallow discerner which, to be honest, most of us are. Remember the quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln–You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Today, we are in the era of “some of the people all the time” and they are ignorant, loud, and violent.

Read the quote below from Russia–This is what the former president, his MAGA followers and all who vote for him want for these United States–Excerpt from Heather Cox Richardson’s April 20, 2024 Substack post:

For his part, leading Russian politician Dmitry Medvedev had his own reaction to the House’s passage of the national security supplemental bill with aid for Ukraine. He vowed that Russia would win the war anyway and added: “[C]onsidering the russophobic decision that took place I can’t help but wish the USA with all sincerity to dive into a new civil war themselves as quickly as possible. Which, I hope, will be very different from the war between North and South in the 19th century and will be waged using aircraft, tanks, artillery, MLRS, all types of missiles and other weapons. And which will finally lead to the inglorious collapse of the vile evil empire of the 21st century—the United States of America.”

Read it carefully, the Republican nominee would be a Russian fox in the U.S. henhouse, a traitor as he is today, and nothing would please him more than to be Putin’s lackey and hand the U.S. to Putin on a platter. is that really what you want for yourself and your descendants? Because the former president would be the lackey as he is weak–he is the admirer. Putin does not admire the former president. Putin recognizes him as a sycophant eager to be used to get the favor he longs for from his master.

Blood, death (the more bizarre, the better), salaciousness—that’s what media has inured us to in order to ensure clicks. The more clicks the more ad revenue. So, we the public cannot expect fair and balanced reporting from most of the media.

So, it appears that fear is the dopamine of the Republican Party and its MAGA constituency. They imagine fear and invent fear where none exists to maintain the flow of dopamine in their deluded brains. They would destroy this country to remain in their fear induced dopamine bubble which they experience as pleasure.

Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.” Sun Tzu

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