Dog Days and Sirius=Hot

Sirius is colloquially known as the “Dog Star“, reflecting its prominence in its constellationCanis Major (the Greater Dog).[19] The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the “dog days” of summer for the ancient Greeks… Excerpt from We’ve had, in the past week, some of the hottest days on the planet, which has given new meaning to the “dog days of summer.”

We are in the midst of the dog days of summer, however, the weather has cooled and it is raining. The Greeks of long ago would have considered this a time when evil was brought to their lands in the form of drought, disease, or discomfort. In Egypt, this was the time of the Nile flooding which was crucial to Egypt’s economy. In our folklore, rain, during this time, was seen as a bad omen. Probably, because of the crops that required harvesting and would be ruined if gotten wet. Imagine getting serious burns on one’s feet after losing one’s flip-flops while hiking in the dunes of Death Valley?

We’re already seeing the ad hominem attacks against VP Harris. For you who do not know–ad hominem (Latin for ‘to the person’), short for argumentum ad hominem, refers to several types of arguments that are fallacious. Often nowadays this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a personal attack as a diversion often using a totally irrelevant, but often highly charged attribute of the opponent’s character or background. Excerpt from

There’s been a lot of that in the past couple of days. Ad hominem attacks against VP Harris are being used to engage the emotions of the ignorant followers and sycophants of #45. Sad that they have nothing to offer but their hateful rhetoric based in their ignorance and fear. Articles of impeachment for what? Border security? Didn’t #45 block his sycophants from voting for a non-partisan bill that would have addressed that issue? Seems like the sycophants who take orders from a private citizen should be the ones charged with malfeasance/misfeasance of office for failing to honor their oath of office. Hiding the President’s true condition–and what would that be? What about the sycophants who support a diaper wearing, slurred/non-sensical speaking person who wants to destroy democracy? Sharks, anyone? Hannibal Lecter as a job reference?

DEI, the dog whistle for any Black person in a position that the white supremacists think should only be held by a white male, is being bandied about. Slept her way to her position… The usual misogynistic and racist tropes used by the white supremacists. The more the years go by, the more the same old racist and misogynistic tropes are parroted by the ignorant. However, there was one pathetic Black male on You Tube who, in his ignorance, said that he’d rather be a slave than to vote for a Black woman for the presidency. In his opinion, women belonged in the kitchen, and of course, in the bedroom…the precursor to motherhood.

Many males want women to have the defined roles of sex tool, servant, and mother, who is mute and impervious to male barbarity. As I’ve written before, this is the adolescent fantasy that has been embodied as patriarchy. Any woman with agency is the enemy and must be demonized.

The Republican VP nominee is a blatant misogynist and white supremacist. Nothing new on the Republican side. They continue to be excited about their displays of ignorance. No. 45 has come out with vote good Christians and you’ll never have to vote again because he’s going to fix everything so you won’t have to. And his audience was cheering his promise of the end of democracy as they know it.

We need to vote out the state politicians. As I’ve stated before, Tennessee may as well be a Jim Crow state as are some other states that have Republican gerrymandered majorities. I don’t understand why they are so cruel, so vile, so deplorable. They have nothing positive to offer. The Neo-Nazis march and the Republicans say nothing. In their case, their silence is their cowardly approval of the hate spewed by the masked Nazis. Some Democrats have spoken out against the marches.

Have you noticed that #45’s ad hominen attacks are projections of his own inadequacies? He can’t say he is a failed businessman, so his opponent is a failure; he can’t say that he is ignorant, so his opponent is ignorant; and so on. So, anything negative you hear, know that it is an attribute of the speaker. #45 is a weak, cowardly, ignorant male who demonizes the “other” with ad hominen attacks.

All of us need to google Project 2025, Christian Nationalism, and Ziklag. All are anti the ideals of the United States. I’ve written about Project 2025 and Christian Nationalism. Recently, ProPublica investigated Ziklag and posted its findings. According to the article, Ziklag is a 501(c)(3) organization of wealthy conservative donors who profess christian values. Make no mistake, they are Christian Nationalists and their goal is power. Power through remaking the United States into a theocracy. I should think that the organization is being investigated by the FBI as charitable organizations are prohibited from direct or indirect political action. One of the goals of this organization is to elect conservatives who agree with their theocratic goals and the organization has the donations to financially support that goal.

It’s a shame that the term “Christianity” has been hijacked by individuals and groups who are anti-Christianity. If you scan the websites of the Christian Nationalists and the Ziklag organization, one finds many references to the Old Testament and, few, if any, to the New Testament. For example, Ziklag is a city in the Old Testament which was one of the cities David used as a base when fleeing from Saul. However, I wonder if they read the entire story. It appears, to me, that these conservatives whose god is greed would not agree with David’s actions after Ziklag was sacked, burned, and its population taken as captives. In my book, today, I would label David a socialist and a wise leader. After the battle to free the captives, which included two of his wives, David decreed that all the soldiers should share equally in the plunder. (Some soldiers had been too exhausted to march to battle.) 1 Samuel 30:1-31 Does anyone really think these so-called Christians would share with anyone?

They are not Christians; they are Old Testament hellfire, damnation, retribution, vengeful deplorables who exemplify the worst of what humanity can be. I don’t know who said it, but it is true–there is no hate like Christian love.

Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization. Gandhi

Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly. Gandhi

There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed. Gandhi

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