Tomatoes in Autumn!!

I didn’t do too much planting this year–tomatoes and a few herbs. The tomatoes did not do well, but now I have plants that are blooming and and fruiting. When I was growing up, we would plant the tomatoes in full sun and get loads of tomatoes. I talked to another backyard gardener and she said her tomatoes did not do well. However, her plants did better than mine because she shaded the plants. Another gardener had her tomato plants in partial shade and she got quite a few. So, lesson learned–no full sun.

The days are getting noticeably shorter. There was a harvest moon this week, but it was cloudy, so I didn’t go out to view it.

VP Harris… She performed excellently in the debate. However, I am still worried because of the deep rooted misogyny in this country. There are a number of men and women who would rather elect a criminal than to have a woman in a position of authority, especially the presidency. I’m hoping that people will understand that democracy, self-determination, the rule of law, the promise of this country…that’s what we’re voting on. There is no easy exit from an authoritarian government. So, hopefully we won’t go there.

Have you noticed that the women in positions of power in the Republican Party all look like they went to the same plastic surgeon? Seems like they want to look like Hitler’s fantasy of the Aryan woman. It’s not a good look.

As I’ve written before…patriarchy has failed this Earth. I was thinking..most empires during this patriarchal period have no longevity.

So, the Fraternal Order of Police has endorsed a felon for President. Why? Some say it’s because of the felon’s promise of immunity for criminal acts in the course of duty. The head of that association said it’s because of crime and the border. Both of which are lies. The person they endorsed killed a bill that would have alleviated much of the so-called border crisis and major crimes have been reduced. I say misogyny and racism are the motivation for a so-called association of police to endorse a felon. Better a white male felon than a Black woman. And that’s all they see–a Black woman. Her accomplishments and her ability to do the job don’t matter. Horrors–a Black woman president. That’s white supremacy; that’s misogyny; that’s racism; that’s patriarchy–that’s their mindset.

Want to instill fear in the ignorant, barbaric base of the Republican Party? Invoke a Black male or female committing a crime against a white person. Doesn’t matter if the Black person actually committed a crime. The image conjured in the gullible minds of that particular subset of the population is enough. And, if they fear, the barbarian response is violence. Inciting violence should be a crime, but white barbarians have always responded that way, so for them the response is normal, legal, and non-actionable. In a civilized society, they would be shunned and othered, criminalized, and not celebrated. But, these United States–not civilized–they are treated as the norm.

Remember William “Willie” Horton, the Black man used to instill fear in the white voters during the George H.W. Bush candidacy? The Republicans never give up a trope that has worked for them in the past. When will more of us see that we are the losers when we give credence to their worn out tropes?

In 1786, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter about the harmful effects of lead. In describing the problem in distilleries and the printing trades, Franklin noted how resistant people can be when it comes to understanding public health and environmental issues.

You will observe, with concern, how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and practiced on,”

Black jobs–physically demanding, outdoor, low intelligence, servant, It’s sad that Black residents of this country do not recognize the dog whistle of the term “Black jobs”. Maybe they are ignorant of what happened during Jim Crow. During Jim Crow many aspects of simply living were criminalized–look at a white woman, not step aside for a white person, standing on a street corner, being in a place a white person didn’t want you to be. Once in the criminal system and adjudged a criminal, one was sent to jail where the jailer could hire you out to other whites for a profit. Of course, you the worker, now a slave, never received any payment. Also, once in the system, you were essentially retained there for all kinds of indiscretions well beyond your original sentence until you were physically broken and the system could no longer profit from your labor.

Mentally broken, in ill health and dumped in the streets to die if you had no compassionate relatives to take you in. That’s if you survived the hard labor, no medical care, the abuse to which you were subjected. Many did not. Prisoners are fungible.

That’s what the Republicans want to return to. That’s what any Black person who votes for them is complicit in.

Some states are already in a neo-Jim Crow era. See this article on restitution centers in Mississippi– Unfortunately, many states in the South, including the state I live in, Tennessee, has reverted to Jim Crowism.

Poor whites have never understood the class system in the U.S. The whites who control this country have always treated them as a commodity to be used and discarded. Nothing has trickled down to them and nothing ever will. As No. 45 said and I paraphrase–I don’t care about you. I just want your vote. And for their vote, they get to spew their hate and act on their hate to the”other” which has been dictated to them by the whites in control. Poor whites are puppets who are of no use until there is a need for physical bodies to be sacrificed for the benefit of the whites in control.

We are not going back! Democrat nominee for president Kamala Harris

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