The Fallen Branches!

Widow makers–that’s how one may reference the fallen branches in the woods, the forests, anywhere there is a tree! As you know, we live in a patriarchy and only males walk in the woods–therefore, widow makers. Also, if you happen to be hit by a falling branch, most likely you will die or wish you had. We don’t notice them unless the falling branches damage something we care about or we have to move them or step over them when walking through the woods. Branches fall…part of nature…part of the life cycle of a tree.

This country never had a soul, only demons–greed, racism, sexism, classism, ignorance, individualism.

We have entered the gilded age of greed? Or the pyritic age of greed? I have to think on which description I like the best. Both convey the sense of we the people are being lied to. One is a veneer of gold and the other is the fool’s version of gold. Maybe use the two descriptions interchangeably?

If over two thousand years go there was lore (think Metamorphoses and the tales of the ancient goddesses and gods in every culture where such tales are extant) that contained homosexuality, gender fluidity, bestiality, rape, incest and such was considered a natural part of human behavior and experience, what does that say about modern day Homo ignoranium stupidus? Our neurons have short circuited and cannot comprehend the gamut of human experience and behavior that humans in the past took for granted?

It’s not that such behavior was considered universally acceptable–such behavior may be punished and/or frowned upon, depending on the circumstances. Think–if the deities decreed, how could a mere mortal decree otherwise? Also, such behavior had consequences, if not for the perpetrator, then for their family and their future generations. Take bestiality–usually the perpetrator was exiled to the wilds to live far from the village. Homosexuality–mostly accepted. Gender fluidity–if decreed by the deities, totally acceptable. However, gender fluidity to escape responsibility for personal conduct or duty–exposed.

Probably, a better explanation would be that at the time this lore was being formed, patriarchy had not taken hold. As I’ve said before, patriarchy has stupidified humans.

How could any court of law say that a person may be murdered for their political beliefs? And there be no consequences for the murder? Has the court not violated its oath? Has the court not violated moral law? Has the court not violated and perverted the very meaning of justice? Has not the court abdicated its role as the keeper of the rule of law? What need does a society have of a court that has no respect for the rule of law and that paves the way to anarchy and/or dictatorship?

The rule of the one has always ended badly for the people. If machines take over the work force, what are the people to do? Beg for crumbs from the one? Be prostrate sycophants for their crumbs? Be work slaves for the enrichment of those who begrudge them crumbs? You see, when the one controls your means of living, i.e., water, food, air, land, communications, those means will be monetized and monetized…it will be incremental…until you can no longer afford to live. That is the greed rule of the one and that has happened again and again in history. The philosopher king is a myth, an ideal that this Earth has not produced.

Maybe, the ages stone, iron, gold, etc. is all about state of mind. And, as I’ve written before we are in the iron age state of mind. That state of mind does not value cooperation, fellowship, empathy, group advancement, children, art, innovation. Iron age–think rigidity, control, conformity. Have you ever read Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle In Time? The evil entity that controls the worlds hidden in its darkness uses pain to force conformity upon the subjugated people who live on those worlds. One cannot act outside the proscribed behavior, for any reason. If one does, pain is used to reinforce the accepted behavior. Isn’t that what the Nazis, the Communists, the Fascists, the dictators did to the dissidents? Torture, imprisonment, death to the non-conformists. Isn’t that what cults do?

Don’t you think it fascinating that the Age of Aquarius which we are in or transitioning to is an Air sign, but its symbol is an overflowing cup? Especially, in this time of transition from Pisces, water sign, to Aquarius–mightn’t that portend, floods, tornadoes, cyclones, tsunamis? Pisces’s opposing sign is Virgo which is an earth sign. So, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions might also be expected during this time of transition. Leo, a fire sign, opposes Aquarius, so forest fires, lightning, meteorite strikes, rising temperatures might also be expected. The pendulum that maintains the balance of the age and between the ages has to arc from point to point until it settles into a regular rhythm.

Further, Pisces and Virgo, both feminine in opposition to each other… I suppose the two would negate each other, leaving the zeitgeist open for the toxic masculinity, the patriarchy, that has ruled the Age of Pisces. Maybe, the Age of Aquarius will see the beneficial female zeitgeist come into being as the signs of Aquarius and Leo, both male, oppose each other.

I finished Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Today, on media platforms, words like rape, incest, etc. are censored. Two thousand years ago the lore used the words, gave examples, and those tales are available for us readers to peruse. Have we regressed to a time when our senses are too delicate to be exposed to certain words? Remember when a woman did not have legs? She had limbs? Remember that? It wasn’t so long ago. Are we into magical thinking, i.e., if we see nor hear such words, what they describe does not happen? If we humans are so intelligent, why do we need to be protected from such words? Or is the shuttering of our senses, a devolvement into the ignorance and stupidity that is required so that a group of greedy males can control the narrative and our lives?

Read an article that was referring to antebellum times and this writer had the blindness or the white privilege to say something to the effect that white people were preying on their Black neighbors. In antebellum times, dear white historian, Black people, my ancestors, were slaves. Let’s not be euphemistic. Yeah, my ancestors lived near white people as slaves. However, “neighbor” conjures in my mind people who voluntarily live near each other in some kind of a live and let live community and that may be my modern concept of neighbor, while you were using the strict definition of neighbor. But words matter. Black people had little or no agency in where they lived or how they were used by white people in antebellum times. The use of the word “neighbor” hides the reality of that period in American history and why? To make white people even more ignorant as to their history? To make them feel better about their group’s past evils? Haven’t white historians whitewashed history to their group’s benefit enough? Why continue the lies? Is the truth too harsh for whites to assimilate? The only way white people will ever do better is to know their true history and make a conscious effort to be a better people.

We know that most white people are too ignorant and too full of their privilege to want to know the truth. Today, the evidence is in our face as non-qualified incompetent ignorant whites are elevated to positions solely based on the white group to which they belong. But, that has been the historic bigotry of this country–non-qualified whites are provided opportunities while qualified citizens are never even considered.

I guess I’m on rant. I read an article by a Black male who I hope is an immigrant, because if he is not, he is an embarrassment to his ancestors who lived through the most brutal dehumanizing slavery that has ever existed on this Earth and the equally brutal Jim Crow. He thinks the adoption of the toxic individuality of the whites is the only way to succeed in this country. He does not realize that the toxic individuality that he is so enamored with is only possible because of the toxic group to which those individuals belong. How can you live in this country and not know that the individuality being touted is a function of white privilege and is protected by that white privilege? (Note: The toxic individuality practiced by whites allows them to backstab, sabotage, grift, murder each other with impunity.)

He is one of the ignorant Blacks who would be the only person who looks like him in a place with a group of whites who is found “accidentally” murdered or brutalized. No sympathy here.

Group action by us, for us gained us the rights, privileges, and advantages that are now being stripped away. I’d like to think that we, in that group action, were engaging in cooperative individualism. That is, the ways and means may have been different, but there was agreement as to the ultimate goal(s). Individuals have been and are co-opted one by one to be used by and to benefit white supremacy. So, the game plan of white supremacy is for more and more of us to be lured into their version of individuality which is toxic and not sustainable without the support of white supremacy.

Good news–I looked and looked, under every rock and in every nook, for that good news, and all I found was the dead singing the blues. I looked some more, into my core, for that good news, and all I heard was my heart drumming the blues. I looked again, to star light, star wane, for that good news, and all I saw was a constellation signifying the blues. That’s my mind doodle for today!

The evil that men do lives after them. Shakespeare

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