Mind doodle! Just because I don’t want to dwell on reality. Not today! Intersex/hermaphrodite–someone who is born with a reproductive system that doesn’t fit the typical definition of male or female. Where am I going with this? have you heard of Ophiuchus? Some years ago, I read an article about the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac and printed the article for my stash of ideas to be used at some time in the future. While rereading Metamorphosis and remembering why I didn’t particularly care for Aristotle’s style (Getting too many reminders about Aristotle’s writings on government and ethics, so I thought I’d reread. Aristotle was a bore when I first read his works and, I still consider him a bore, but I’ll slog through some of his writings again.)–the neuron that contained the memory of Ophiuchus fired.
Ophiuchus is the potential thirteenth sign of the zodiac. It would be between Scorpio and Sagittarius and it would be from November 30th to December 17th. Of course, no one seems eager to upend the twelve zodiac signs by adding it which makes sense. We, humans don’t do well with odd numbers and the number thirteen, especially the number 13. The number 13 has such negative connotations in western societies. However, in eastern societies, the number thirteen has many positive connotations.
With the incipient Age of Aquarius, I think it would be very Aquarian to add a thirteenth zodiac sign. Ophiuchus would be very Aquarian. It could be the first and only hermaphrodite/intersex sign. From what I’ve read, the sign is sometimes depicted with a woman holding a snake, but mostly with a man holding a snake. A male makes sense as the sign is based on real person…a man…Imhotep…the Egyptian genius. the However, the snake is an ages old symbol of the feminine. So, even its depiction in this patriarchal society hints at the female aspects inherent in the sign.
Further, in order not to upend the current zodiac chart too much, its opposing sign would be Taurus/Gemini, a female and a male sign combined. (Scorpio’s opposing sign is Taurus and Sagittarius’s opposing sign is Gemini.)
Why bother? Ophiuchus has always been where it is, but it was not noted by the astrologers who created the Zodiac. Why? Possibly because it was sandwiched between Scorpio and Sagittarius and any influence it would have would have been overshadowed by and subsumed in their influence. Think, Ophiuchus would be visible for a second as opposed to the minutes that Scorpio and Sagittarius were visible. To males, such a minute presence could not possibly have a noteworthy influence. And, also their fondness for even numbers and the number twelve, in particular–the number of completeness, harmony, and balance.
We have to remember the story about “for want of a nail…the war was lost”. Small and/or insignificant does not mean unimportant or non-influential. The Age of Aquarius can acknowledge the influence of what we humans consider insignificant, but in the scheme of the Universe might have a great influence.
Another point in favor of Ophiuchus as a hermaphrodite/intersex sign–the period of time from November 30th to December 17th, in the Egyptian Zodiac, was ruled by either Isis or Osiris. The female/male energy of that period of time has, thus, been noted for millennia. An aside–I prefer hermaphrodite to intersex. Hermaphrodite is more exotic and memorable than intersex which is blandand clinical. Back to reality!
Another aside–I agree more so with Aristotle than Plato, but Plato, for me, was always easier to read for Plato was a storyteller, while Aristotle was a pontificator. Also, I’ve always felt there was more wiggle room in Aristotle for the foibles of us humans.
A white male in a position–think incompetent, ignorant, nepotism, the neighbor’s third cousin’s nephew, mediocre, not fit to be the dog-catcher. White skin on a male leads to more death than life. They belong to the dregs of humanity. The cure for their unfounded self-proclaimed superiority is truth…the facts of their toxic presence everywhere they have set foot. White history—more and more–their true history is being publicized for the masses to know.
Before the 1600s, there was no such group known on this Earth as white people. The group was created to subjugate people and this Earth–look at the havoc that toxic group haw wreaked on this Earth in only 400 years.
Seems like the plan of the billionaire class of white people in this country is to return to the time of the company owned town–i.e., the company controlled every aspect of one’s existence. One lived in assigned company housing, one worked the hours posted by the company, one accepted whatever pay the company deemed you were worth, the company paid you with company script, not accepted anywhere else… You get the picture…a drone for use by the company until death. The fat cats feast while the worker drones are provided just enough not to starve. And, if you don’t like it, the company will use you as an example as you will be blocked from working at any company and they will parade your starved body in those company towns as a warning.
I read an article that said that the billionaires believe that the working class in the United States makes too much money. What bubble do they live in when people working two and three job can barely pay rent? Their cruelty and greed will be their downfall, but when will the masses wake up to the reality that they are being used to swell the already bursting coffers of the bloated rich who have no care for any one or thing except hoarding more wealth?
The bloated rich are Smaug, the dragon of Hobbit fame. They wallow in their wealth and will destroy this country to maintain their wealth and to thieve even more from the ongoing destruction that they have caused. I don’t suppose it’s about need or want–like Smaug…it’s about the having.
*Riff on Yoda from Star Wars
(I)n Tennessee there was never any pay-day for the negroes any more than for the horses and cows. Surely there will be a day of reckoning for those who defraud the laborer of his hire. Facing History & Ourselves, “Letter from Jourdon Anderson: A Freedman Writes His Former Master”, last updated March 14, 2016.
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