Any society that has no firm definition of right and wrong is doomed, for unchecked personal freedom leads to dissension and dissension to collapse of the tenuous social contract that existed. Do we not remember the wild, wild west?The psychotic males who determined manliness in terms of the number of notches on their guns? The number of bodies strewn in their mad wake?
We should know that it takes nanoseconds to break a bone, but months to heal it! If it heals. Some broken bones never heal. Will our government ever heal from the breaking it is undergoing so that it serves us, the people, and not the rich and the corporations?
Each society has its own idea of right and wrong. In some societies, it is acceptable to murder a female infant. In those societies, a female is considered a drain on the family’s resources while the male will bring his labor and resources to the family, i.e., bride’s dowry.
Maye the good that comes from this chaos is that the Black and Brown people of this Earth will see that the white people are not superior, that they are mediocre thieves whose self-promotion no longer fascinates and paralyzes. Maybe, we can then realize that guns, germs, greed, and grift are not the building blocks of a cooperative society.
And only cooperative societies build civilizations that will be noted throughout the ages. The United States, on its current path, will be like the megalomaniac referenced in Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley–
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
But in the reckoning that awaits the United States, there will be no statues of a forgotten tyrant or empty shells of abandoned dwellings. The current methods of destruction will obliterate all signs of intelligent life. All sound and fury and nothing on which to build a future!
Back in AM radio days, if the weather was stormy, sometimes you had to fiddle with the tuner because of the static and overlapping signals in order to tune in to the station you wanted. Buying Greenland, renaming the Gulf of Mexico, taking over the Panama Canal, the public bullying of an ally, turning Palestine into a playground for the rich, on and off again threat of tariffs,etc., etc., etc., That’s the static and overlapping signals keeping us from tuning in to the station broadcasting the information we need to hear. That station is broadcasting to all who take the time to fiddle with that knob (okay…I’m using analog terms!) to tune in to get a clear signal.
Oligarchy, authoritarianism cannot survive with an educated, engaged critically thinking middle class. The rich and mega-rich have been destroying the middle class for fifty-plus years and now have accelerated its destruction. The government, as an employer, has launched many a family and individual into the middle class. government employment may be the most important factor in the growth of the middle class. Who is really talking about the destruction of the middle class? On the other side of the purge of government employees, there will be the poor (and I do mean very very poor) and the rich. Add to that, the return to nepotism and the good old boys network on the corporate side. There will be no middle class, especially in the Black community. That is the end game.
I’ve said it before and we need to keep repeating it until we understand one of the fundamental basics of capitalism in the United States–there is and never has been merit based employment in this United States; there is and never has been equal access to investment capital in the United States; there is and never has been equal access to beneficial governmental programs like education; there is and never has been a society where one can be all that one can be.
Why do you think white women have been the main beneficiaries of affirmative action, DEI, welfare–to keep the wealth in the white community. And who benefits next after white women–white males. None of these programs benefitted Black people, i.e., facilitated wealth building, to the extent that the white community benefitted.. I think one of the reasons white males want to eliminate DEI and affirmative action is to regain control over white women.
I have written about it before and I won’t write about it here, but you do know that the vilified welfare queen that the Republicans are so fond of was a white woman, pretending to be Black? The Republicans never say that…just leave you with the vivid image of the false stereotype of the Black woman that they created. So much gets lost in the noise. None of the persons involved in the recent airplanes crashes was Black. But as a book said that I don’t remember the title of–poor, uneducated, racist whites will destroy any benefit, no matter the source, if they think Black people will get a crumb. Poor, uneducated, racist whites are quite willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces as long as they believe that Black people will suffer.
The below cited article is about hate groups in Tennessee.
Tennessee was the first Confederate state to come under Union control in the Civil War and Tennessee was home to Andrew Johnson, the president that did not hold the southerners who rebelled accountable. Tennessee has always been a racist state. For a short while, the government’s racism was ameliorated by Federal law. Now, as it has been noted in articles, Tennessee’s government has been taken over by the white supremacists and the representatives no longer pretend to represent their constituencies. They are there to enrich themselves by forcing their pseudo-christianity and false conservatism on Tennesseans.
In the West, we generally depict angels as these beautiful women with wings. However, the Bible describes angel as fearsome beings, some with multiple faces of animals and man, some covered with eyes, some with four or six wings–none are female. Further, when angels take human form, they are always described as male. In the Book of Enoch and in the Bible, male angels impregnate human women and the women gave birth to giants. Another, thing–none of the angels were what we would call “white”. Their color is described as topaz or burnished bronze, shades of brown. So, if we saw an Angel on a street corner today, our minds would, in all probability, default to “Black”” as the descriptor.
So, even though the figure in the above picture looks somewhat like the Western image of an angel (in silhouette), but with some non-western aspects, I would call her the Mother Ancestress who is waiting for her children to call her name. True mothers will answer when their children cry out in need.
The Biblical description of an angel–wheel within wheels, spinning with points of fire. It reminds me of pictures I’ve seen that depict an atom and its particles spinning around each other–protons and neutrons and electrons. And all would be emitting energy (fire) as their orbits decayed and renewed.
Sometimes, I wonder if the people who lived in the past are trying to tell us that our time on this Earth has not been linear, especially where knowledge is concerned. We know, forget, and relearn and we have no idea how many cycles have come and gone.
Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. Frederick Douglass
Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. Robert Kennedy
Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. P.J. O’Rourke
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