Order and Disorder

Entropy is the lack of order or predictability that increases over time. Socks are the perfect example of entropy. One starts out with two matched socks. By the time, the socks are washed and dried…only one sock is to be found. Why? I don’t know…. Some things just are…like entropy. I thought to defeat the entropy that attaches to socks by buying mostly black socks. What one then finds out is that there are as many shades of black as there are dye lots. But, from a distance, as long as the pattern/texture of the two socks are the same, the differing shades of black are not noticeable.

As I write this, the world is in disorder. A disorder, I believe, is the result of the advent and continuation of the patriarchy that has plagued this Earth for millennia. An imbalance will, over time, correct itself. As we are dealing with the distribution and exercise of power, the status quo will not bow out gracefully. With the rise of authoritarianism, dictatorships, fascism and the decrease in intelligence of the masses, maybe, just maybe, this is of the last gasp of the patriarchy.

Entertainment and religion…the opiates of the masses. As long as the masses are entertained, either through secular or religious means, the world can crumble around them and they can be swallowed in the darkness and they will not lift a finger to prevent the darkness from consuming them.

I don;t know if the videos of the Israeli flag being torn down by a bird in one and a cat (I think) in another were staged. But the videos were a powerful reminder that Mother Earth will have the final say.

If it’s not in the Bible, it should be. Take care of home first; then help others. Like when the oxygen masks drop down in the airplane…one is instructed to secure one’s mask before helping others. So much money going to prop up foreign powers, while for the needs of home, there is no money, just excuses. There is so much need in the United States and the money should be used for the health and welfare of its citizens. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…just not for us if investment in us would make it a reality.

A foothold is a secure place from which future progress may be executed. I was watching an episode of Stargate in which there was a foothold situation, i.e., aliens had taken over the Stargate base and through the use of an alien technology looked like the people manning the base. Isn’t that what Israel was supposed to be…the West’s foothold in the Middle East? However, because the indigenous people in the area were fully aware of their displacement, Israel never really became the foothold so coveted by the West. That was probably a good thing because the West would have colonized the Middle East and raped it of its resources if it had had that secure foothold.

A friend said that the U.S. should provide a safe place in the U.S. for the Israelis. I told her that I did not think that a contingent of Old Testament adherents would benefit the U.S. When you see the videos of a rabbi and a white Jew advocating for the extinction of all who do not believe as they do, how could they possibly be good neighbors? They don’t believe in live and let live, but in they live and you die.

Why do people think that a structured existence is a safe existence? We have Nazism, fascism, communism…all based on a minutely structured existence for their adherents and all were social and economic failures. All became, in practice, a have and have-not based society where the have-nots were cruelly used by the haves. All were fear based societies. All wallowed in lack from basic necessities to innovative breakthroughs. Because of the fear, there was no joie de vivre…just another regimented day of fear. Why is that existence so attractive, so comforting to so many people? Are so many so arrogant as to think that they will be one of the haves in such a society?

Did you know that a long, long time ago the area we call the Middle East was part of the land mass we call Africa? See map below. Just a sliver is connected in the map, but in the far past, the two land masses were even more connected. And Homo Sapiens have always wandered from south to north and north to south. And they’ve always mixed genetically. So the aboriginal dark skinned, coily/curly haired people are no longer dominant. That is the end result of migration and conquest.

The below is from TimeMaps website showing the connection between Africa and the Middle East circa 3500 B.C.E.:

Did you know coily/kinky haired, dark skinned people are still found in the area that is called the Middle East?

This is just to say that the people of the Bible , Old and New Testament, were what today we would call “Black”. They, of course did not distinguish themselves by color, but by tribe. The Jews were a Black people. How else could a Moses be hidden in the Pharaoh’s court? The people who live in the area known as the Middle East are a mixture of many conquerors, invaders, and indigenous people. It is the lore of that indigenous Black people that has been passed down to us in the adulterated form we know as the Bible.

We act as if we don’t know that the lore in its Biblical form has been interpreted by a group we would call “white” today. First, we have the Romans who decided that Christianity would be the empire’s national religion and, from there, we have various pronouncements from the Catholic Church that culminated in the 4th century A.D./C.E. with what we know as the Bible, Old and New Testaments. After that, there were various translations of the Bible by different groups whose motives were usually to benefit themselves through the subjugation of others.

This is all to say that what we know as the Bible today probably has little relation to its source material…the lore of a Black people of long ago. Remember…the Bible was written from oral history. Anybody ever played Telephone, the game? If you have, you know how a word can be misunderstood in a matter of minutes after being passed from one person to another. What do you think happens to oral history over hundreds and thousands of years?

Some of what is in the Old Testament can be verified because of the translated hieroglyphs in Egyptian tombs. The Jews were exiled Egyptians. Most of their beliefs can be traced to an Egyptian origin. The New Testament is a different story. The New Testament is basically a story written by Paul, a convert, who was not a disciple and never met Jesus. I know that there are books attributed to the named disciples, but really we are dealing with oral history.

I suppose I’m on a rant because of the misinformation being spewed by us to us and to the world. Is it so difficult to conduct a Google search before posting videos and blogs? I don’t have the last word on this subject or any subject, but I am willing to conduct a search. My conclusions may not be your conclusions, but I do try to base my conclusions in what I believe to be facts. As I’ve said before…is the number of views worth the misinformation that is being posted? (I’m deliberately not saying what the misinformation was. Repetition of bad information, even for the purpose of refuting it, furthers the spread of such information. The next time someone talks about the Bible and its origins, be curious…look up some facts for yourself.)

I don’t understand those who advocate that we should not vote. In many instances, our voting has kept “worst” from occupying seats of power. Our failure to vote has assisted “worst” in attaining power in Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. Louisiana is the latest to elect a governor who will make the lives of Black Louisianians more miserable. A friend of mine from Louisiana was disgusted and unsurprised at the outcome of the governor’s election. They voted by not voting…

Why do we think not voting will make our lives better? Or that someone will take note and give us something in the future to win our vote? Why haven’t we learned that the promises of the whites mean nothing? I don’t vote for a party because of their promises. I vote for the party, that I believe, will do the least damage to my right to live my life in dignity and freedom (note: freedom always has responsibilities attached to it).

Let’s say that to win your vote, a party promises “X”. That party is elected, but “X” must now be approved by a legislature and triumph in court challenges, and even in public opinion. The party who made the promise must also follow through for that to happen. What the voter, the promisee, will hear is it’s not the right time, there is no money and any number of plausible excuses. And the cycle of non-voting begins again, because of the promise that was not kept…the promise that we should have known was a ruse.

I read the overview of the Republican Party’s 2025 Mandate for Leadership (it is over 900 pages). It is a screed of white supremacy couched in vanilla’d words and a past they long for. It advocates a return to the practices of Andrew Jackson’s administration (1829-1837) where government positions were the property of friends and relatives, i.e., the spoils system. A system that revels in incompetence, graft, corruption, bribery…all the things we say are bad about the governments in “third world countries”. Don’t get me wrong, the spoils system is still in effect in the appointed positions in government. But the appointee’s lack of knowledge is tempered by the bureaucrats who know how to get things done. The spoils system, as practiced in the past, was a conduit for our tax dollars to the appointer’s friends and relatives for their private benefit. We, the taxpayer, get nothing in return for our tax dollars and, if we want a public good, say infrastructure, bribes must be paid. Do we really want to return to that?

Also, the Trail of Tears was during Jackson’s administration. The Republican’s Mandate for Leadership does not bode well for anyone who is not white, male, monied, and Republican. I haven’t decided whether to tackle the entire document. The summary makes it clear, in no uncertain terms, that there is no benefit for me, an “Other”, in their Mandate. Also, the Mandate is crystal clear that the goal is an intrusive, “Big Brother” type of government, not the “small government” the Republicans are so fond of touting.

Were you born when corn fields were planted in neat rows? We would run through the corn fields and play hide and seek. You can’t do that now. The corn is strewn and the plants grow wily-nily. I suppose there is just as much or more yield-per-acre as in the past, but the fields are not as aesthetically pleasing and certainly cannot be used as a playground.

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