When a white male says that we should not identify with our African ancestry, know that he has an agenda. Understand that the white agenda is to our detriment. But, at the same time, you have the Black sell-outs pushing that white agenda by giving the white male a platform and saying he speaks truth. They are so wrong, but what I’m seeing is some Black people are so invested in being “special” that they will do anything and support anything that validates that belief.

The other day, I watched part of a video and I had to move on because it was painful to watch. This young lady was reading from the Bible and cherry-picking verses that supported her viewpoint that Black Americans were the true Jews. She had drunk the kool-aid and her world view was enveloped in the cherry-haze of her addiction.

I’ve written about this before. The people who fled or were evicted from Egypt who were the progenitors of the Jews were, in all probability, the Egyptians who were the followers of the one god…the god created by Pharaoh Akhenaten. Let’s not get into my take on that except to say that Pharaohs were considered the incarnation of their gods on Earth. So, basically, Akhenaton wanted to be the only god worshipped in Egypt. The priests, of course, did not go along with this as they would lose power. So, when Akhenaton died, his one god died with him and the many gods were reinstated.

However, every narcissistic, egotistical powerful male has his followers/sycophants. And when that narcissistic egotistical male loses power, so do his followers. And those followers can be a thorn in the side of the existing power. So, the existing power can either kill them or exile them or both. Of course, the followers can also flee.

Let’s just say that the followers of the one god were eventually exiled when they became too much of a liability. They would have left Egypt to search for a home where they could practice their religion. However, at the time of their exile the majority would not have been sufficiently indoctrinated in the worship of the one god to volunteer to die for him. Note the golden calf. The Bible says this exiled people wandered for forty years. What were they doing?

One: Waiting for the generation that remembered Egypt to die. Two: Creating a heroic origin story (escape from a pursuing army and their God parted the Red Sea to facilitate their escape. Only “Red Sea” is a 17th century King James mistranslation of “Reed Sea”, i.e. marshes of the Nile.) Three: Indoctrinating the young in that heroic story and that they were the one God’s chosen people that had been promised a land. Four: Training an army to do battle with the inhabitants of the so-called Promised Land. As I’ve written before, if their god was so all-powerful, why didn’t he create this promised land somewhere that was unoccupied. Couldn’t he have created another Garden of Eden for his chosen people?

Understand…these are a melanated people preparing to dispossess another group of melanated people from their land. And they did, except for one group that they never defeated…Canaan. But, yet, their God is all powerful and he promised them that land… When do we use our intelligence to recognize a story created by man for man’s benefit?

Now, when the Jews were dispersed. Yes, some probably went to other parts of Africa. remember…back in the day…there was no Middle East. This promised land would have been considered part of Northern Africa. However, to say that we, the ones whose ancestors were enslaved, are descended from them and that the covenants in the Bible are our legacy is a stretch. We humans are not that picky about our procreative mates, so I’m sure there may be some Jewish DNA in some of us. To say we are the lost tribe is a trip to fantasy land. And, think, with one’s intelligence, not one’s emotion (faith is a subset of emotion?)…do we want to be the protagonist in that particular story?

AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), pro Israel lobbying group, has apparently bought the House of Representatives. Citizens United is turning out to be one of the worse Supreme Court cases that has been decided. Why do corporations, as an entity, have free speech rights? Corporations are artificial entities created by statute. In my opinion, corporations are not analogous to a person. However, the Supreme Court, since 1886, has granted the same rights to a corporation as those granted to individuals.

A corporation is an entity dedicated to making money for its shareholders. It cares not for its employees, the environment, or anything beyond its quarterly earnings. A corporation has no future thought for this Earth, especially if such future thought interferes with its current profits. A corporation is like the Doomsday Machine imagined in Star Trek. Profit is the corporation’s maw and it will destroy anything or anyone that stands in the way of its profits. People can be jailed; a corporation merely changes its name and management, or not, and continues fleecing, we the people.

Since the Citizen’s United decision, corporations have funded candidates and lobbied for corporate welfare which the corporations have greedily accepted. We, the people, get nothing in return because many of those corporations give the money in bonuses to their top management and then declare bankruptcy. Thousands lose their jobs and we, this country, this society, the people have nothing to show for our tax dollars. That’s why many call the United States a corporatocracy.

Anyway, the House of Representatives passed a resolution which affirms Israel’s right to exist and curtails criticism of Israel. (AIPAC’s dogma?) Where then is the full and fair discourse that should be held as to the use of our tax dollars? I don’t know that any country has a right to exist (empires and countries come and go for a variety of reasons, do they not?), but no country should be above criticism, especially when it is begging for our tax dollars. Our legislators should be able to criticize Israel without the fear of censure. And get this, it says that Jewish people are native to the land of Israel, i.e., the Jews who now reside there. That is so untrue. The Europeans who appropriated Judaism are not native to the land they currently occupy and control. And it says that the Jews who live in Israel can live free from persecution (white Jews only?). What about the melanated Jews who are marginalized and treated as second class citizens? Talk about a lying narrative created by the so-called victors. If there is a God, then he knows they are native to Europe (DNA and ancestry) and God is the master of karma…is he not? Read it for yourself H. Res. 888 https://www.congress.gov/118/crec/2023/11/28/169/195/CREC-2023-11-28-pt1-PgH5923.pdf

I am hearing more and more about the unrest in the Congo. It appears that the fighting is being subsidized by the West. The West needs the Congo’s resources for its electronics, etc. And it wants them cheap. This is the Chicago School of Economics policy in action. Destabilize the country so the corporations can get labor and resources cheaply. When the resources are gone, the country is left with nothing to bargain with, an economy in shambles, and a people who are uneducated and have no skills.

Sometimes you have to look back, go back to understand where you are. Sometimes you have to realize you’re a pawn in a larger game…a game that’s been played before. Maybe in reviewing the games that went before, one can conceive a strategy that gives one the upper hand in the game of which one is a part.

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