August 8th–2023

The first weekend in August will henceforth be the celebration weekend for August 8th in A’ville. In a previous post, I told you that August 8th was the day to celebrate emancipation in Tennessee and Kentucky. This is the first celebratory weekend since the end of COVID. Rain, rain, and more rain until after the noon hour. Then, the clouds cleared and the day became hot and muggy. There was no ballgame and very few vendors.

Never know who you’re talking to…turned out one of the vendors had a family connection. Her sister was married to one of my second or third cousins. Since most of the settlers hailed from Virginia, I’m sure there are many more connections lost in the vicissitudes of Slavery.

The menu of food sold is the picture for this Post. All sandwiches are made with white bread, just like always.

Don’t you think it hypocritical that this country can pass laws to restrict Blacks from voting, from owning homes, from being an ordinary citizen, but can pass no laws to redress the harm caused by those laws? Whites are too triggered if Blacks receive anything. But when they were receiving cheap lands, governmental loans, welfare…that was their due. They are white, therefore they should always receive benefits and never, never should they not be first in line for any governmental benefits. That they have always received benefits does not bother them…their greed demands that no one else receive any benefits.

“Men I find to be a Sort of Beings very badly constructed,” Benjamin Franklin wrote, “as they are generally more easily provok’d than reconcil’d, more dispos’d to do Mischief to each other than to make Reparation, and much more easily deceiv’d than undeceiv’d.”

“Instead of assured progress in wisdom and decency man faces the ever present possibility of swift relapse not merely to animalism but into such calculated cruelty as no other animal can practice,” Martin Luther King Jr. believed. Elsewhere, he wrote, “The force of sinfulness is so stubborn a characteristic of human nature that it can only be restrained when the social unit is armed with both moral and physical might.”

The above quotes are from The Atlantic article: HOW AMERICA GOT MEAN By David Brooks

I’m sure everyone has heard of and/or seen the videos of the August 5th melee in Montgomery, Alabama. A group of entitled barbarians decided to attack a Black co-captain of a riverboat after he had to deboard the riverboat to ensure their docking space was cleared. Cleared? Yes…the entitled barbarians had docked their boat in the riverboat’s docking space and, after repeatedly being asked to move, to which they responded with taunts and obscene gestures, the co-captain went ashore to clear the docking area. The barbarians responded by attacking him. There were male and females involved, punching and, once he was down, kicking him. The sixteen year old who brought him to shore in a small boat tried to intervene, but he was punched in the stomach. A much bigger Black man weighed in and got the white barbaric cowards off the co-captain.

Then, the barbaric cowards decided they would still fight and other Black males and, eventually Black females, became involved and the barbaric cowards got the beat down they deserved. So, a shout-out to all the Black people on that Montgomery dock who said not today. I hope you’ve seen some of the songs, parodies, compilations on You Tube. They are worth viewing.

I’m glad to see us celebrating, but we must never forget the caliber of barbarian we are dealing with. That’s why I pulled those two quotes. I think I told you about a relative who was run out of town for merely laughing at one of the barbaric cowards. These barbaric cowards are vicious when they are humiliated or even perceive that they have been humiliated. Remember, they are never to blame for their actions or behavior. They are the barbarians who will search out a vulnerable Black person and murder them to avenge their self-inflicted humiliation. So, yes, we can celebrate, but we must be ever vigilant against their murderous ways.

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