Category: Uncategorized

  • Tomatoes in Autumn!!

    Tomatoes in Autumn!!

    I didn’t do too much planting this year–tomatoes and a few herbs. The tomatoes did not do well, but now I have plants that are blooming and and fruiting. When I was growing up, we would plant the tomatoes in full sun and get loads of tomatoes. I talked to another backyard gardener and she…

  • Virgo/Libra Rising!!!

    Virgo/Libra Rising!!!

    Autumn is around the corner, but today, the end of August, the temperature is around 100 degrees. I am really annoyed at the beggars constantly asking for money…no, they call it donations. Yes, I gave. That does not mean I want to be bombarded with requests for another donation. Just five dollars, three dollars…anything. I…

  • The Home Stretch

    The Home Stretch

    I have to revisit that jump rope ditty of elementary school. Cinderella dressed in yellow; went to town to see her fella; How many kisses did she get? I think in this yellow dress, she got all the kisses she wanted! Do children today know how to make jacob’s ladders? I remember being so proud…

  • August Rains & Scorched Lawns

    August Rains & Scorched Lawns

    I visited the farm and the sinkhole that has been in what, in the past, was the cornfield was filled with water. And, there were these cranes(?). I have never seen cranes at the farm before. I hope you can see the pair of cranes. How can anyone deny that the climate is changing? Or…

  • To My Delight Nature   Thrives

    To My Delight Nature Thrives

    When I was growing up, if my memory is correct, there were maybe two popup lilies in the yard. They never spread like in some places. Usually they spread in a circular pattern like in the above picture. The lilies were always a dusky pink color. My mother speculated that the lilies were the gift…

  • Killing–Metaphorically & Literally

    Killing–Metaphorically & Literally

    During the 1960s, my father would always plant a huge garden. Our farm was hilly, so the garden was on a higher elevation than the house. The earth had a bit of red clay mixed in and, after planting, the ground would be concrete hard. We didn’t water the garden that much, but all the…

  • Dog Days and Sirius=Hot

    Dog Days and Sirius=Hot

    Sirius is colloquially known as the “Dog Star“, reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (the Greater Dog).[19] The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the “dog days” of summer for the ancient Greeks… Excerpt from We’ve had, in the past week, some of the hottest days on the planet, which has given new meaning to…

  • Magnolia Blossoms

    Magnolia Blossoms

    When I was growing up, I never saw a magnolia tree or, if I saw one, I didn’t know what it was. Now I have two huge magnolias and, while the blossoms are beautiful, I would not have chosen the tree to grace my yard. Why? The leaves take way too long to decompose and…

  • Strawberry Pie–Yay!!!

    Strawberry Pie–Yay!!!

    I am not a cook. I have never wanted to make a strawberry pie, but nostalgia set in. For some reason I had a taste for Shoney’s strawberry pie and I do not live near a Shoney’s. So, I found this recipe on the Internet and, even if it doesn’t look like the slices I…

  • Summer of Decision

    Summer of Decision

    Why would a racist party retain an elephant as its mascot? Elephants are found on the African continent and India–lands of Black and Brown peoples. Why disparage an elephant when the current Republican Party does not display any attributes of the elephant, especially its strength, intelligence, and dignity. On July 2, Heritage Foundation president Kevin…

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