Category: Uncategorized
Strawberry Pie–Yay!!!
I am not a cook. I have never wanted to make a strawberry pie, but nostalgia set in. For some reason I had a taste for Shoney’s strawberry pie and I do not live near a Shoney’s. So, I found this recipe on the Internet and, even if it doesn’t look like the slices I…
Summer of Decision
Why would a racist party retain an elephant as its mascot? Elephants are found on the African continent and India–lands of Black and Brown peoples. Why disparage an elephant when the current Republican Party does not display any attributes of the elephant, especially its strength, intelligence, and dignity. On July 2, Heritage Foundation president Kevin…
Hot Hotter Summer 2024
With what we currently know about aerodynamics, bees should not be able to fly. But they not only fly, they dance! Isn’t Mother Nature awesome! Don’t have men and women of character or morals on the Supreme Court. Most of them lied to get the position so what can one expect of liars? This Supreme…
Hazy, Lazy Days of Summer*
*I really liked that song Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer by Nat King Cole when I was in elementary school. Don’t know if you can make out the details in the above picture, but this is artwork that mimics reality. It is located in Centennial Park. This is a picture of a click…
Fantasy as Reality???
This posting will be a “what if” posting. Many questions, etc., but no answers. Just musings about what in the future may be referred to as the “lying years” that are unfolding every day to my dismay. What if approximately 30% of any homo sapien population, no matter the environment, is analogous to lemmings? (The…
Roller Coaster…Anybody?
In Tennessee, can you imagine? Some years ago, I planted the top of a pineapple that I had bought. Just to see if it would grow. It did and much more than a pineapple plant I bought a couple of years later. Now, that plant which I didn’t pamper at all…water–sporadically, fertilizer–whenever, winter–garage and monthly…
I’ll Be Doggone!
This picture of my dogwood and redbud trees was taken when the trees were in full bloom. Both trees showed their true colors this year! Like Margin Gaye sang–Well I’ll be doggone! But the line I like best is I wouldn’t be doggone; I’d be long gone! From–A “reprobate” is an individual who lacks…
2024 Planting Season!
A consent decree between the Democrat National Party and the Republican National Party has been lifted. The Consent Decree prohibited the Republicans from engaging in voter suppression tactics. Now, the chair of the Republican Party is openly saying that the Republican Party will again target communities of color with voter suppression tactics. She is saying…
April Showers; May Flowers
I think in the past week, blackberry winter has come and gone! Some good news. Maybe some of the hoi polloi is waking up to the fact that the Republicans do not have their best interests at heart. The workers at the Tennessee Volkswagen plant has voted to unionize. Of course, the Republicans and the…
Let’s Rewrite History!
Leaves, shape, color, exterior seeds—both pictures are images of strawberries–right? Wrong–one is a picture of snake berry, a visual twin to a strawberry. If one were not an experienced forager, one might say it was a different variety of strawberry. But snake berries have no strawberry flavor (I tasted one. Snake berries are not poisonous…