Category: Uncategorized



    When a white male says that we should not identify with our African ancestry, know that he has an agenda. Understand that the white agenda is to our detriment. But, at the same time, you have the Black sell-outs pushing that white agenda by giving the white male a platform and saying he speaks truth.…

  • Misogyny and Angels

    Misogyny and Angels

    Have you ever wondered why all the angels in the Bible are male or a horrific, sexless creature? I didn’t realize it until recently. In the Bible, angels are referenced as “sons” and they take on the appearance of a male. (See, for example, Lot’s and Daniels’s stories and Psalm; Job 2:189:6) But the Bible…

  • Turn It Off!?!?!?

    Turn It Off!?!?!?

    Today, I shall take you to the land of Could Have. Why? Because the land of Could Have is the land of probability, possibility, fantasy…where no Earthling has gone before. I think the lands of Would Have and Should Have need some facts to weigh them in reality. Light switches…on or off. That’s like the…

  • Museum Memories

    Museum Memories

    I like museums. I’m writing this after returning from visiting a museum in Mobile, Alabama that memorialized the Clotilda, the last ship to bring African captives to the U.S. Our route was not interstate, but along a state route(s) that meandered through fields, forests, houses–mansions, shacks, and in-between, small- and medium-sized towns, and lots of…

  • Travel Mode–2023

    Travel Mode–2023

    Seems like a long time ago… I promised myself that I would travel to somewhere at least once a year. Since the COVID lockdown, travel doesn’t seem as important. I hadn’t been outside at night in a while. I think this is the three-quarter moon in a mostly clear sky and I couldn’t resist taking…

  • Balance in Time and Space

    Balance in Time and Space

    Shout out to the women gymnasts whose athletic abilities are phenomenal! The current crop of Black gymnasts are so much fun to watch. I remember gym class and the tumbling, balance beam, the trampoline… There were six week rotations in high school gym class…golf, tennis, archery, flag football, etc. We all had to walk the…

  • Order and Disorder

    Order and Disorder

    Entropy is the lack of order or predictability that increases over time. Socks are the perfect example of entropy. One starts out with two matched socks. By the time, the socks are washed and dried…only one sock is to be found. Why? I don’t know…. Some things just are…like entropy. I thought to defeat the…

  • Promises Promises

    Promises Promises

    Promises, Promises sung by Dionne Warwick…like in the song–sometimes you have to walk away from third party promises and affirm the promise you have made to yourself. Because we have made promises to ourselves, even if we haven’t articulated them. Today I read an article about barbarism. Of course, the article was about the atrocities…

  • Emotional Skulduggery

    Emotional Skulduggery

    When one is ruled by emotion, a storm is always brewing. Inside and out. People want to feel good, so they seek out activities, food, etc. which maintain their dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin levels. Hate, for some people, has become their dopamine, serotonin, endorphin, and oxytocin trigger. The southern strategy is simply keep them dumber than dumb and…

  • See A Shadow Darkly

    See A Shadow Darkly

    We don’t think too much about our shadow. I know I don’t. However, a month or so ago I was trying to take a picture and my shadow got in the way. Last month, I was outside at sunset and took this picture. My shadow is mostly subsumed in a larger shadow, but there is…

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