Category: Uncategorized

  • Sententious Streams–1

    Sententious Streams–1

    (An aside–the picture is of what I say is a gargoyle, but is technically a statuary lawn ornament in the image of a grotesque. I say this because gargoyles and grotesques are architectural ornaments attached to a building. Gargoyles are functional rain spouts and grotesques are ornamental superstition. A gargoyle is a grotesque with a…

  • 9th-12th Grades

    9th-12th Grades

    Volunteers are awesome!

  • Horse Needles & Childhood Traumas

    Horse Needles & Childhood Traumas

    I have to explain the reference to “horse needles”. During the 1950s and 1960s, there were not many doctors who would treat Black patients. Some towns were lucky and had access to a Black doctor. H’ville had a Black doctor who owned his own hospital. I and all my siblings were born in that hospital.…

  • Seventh-Eighth Grade

    Everything changed in seventh grade. Something called freedom of choice. What it meant was all the Black schools were closing. That was the goal. I hate to say “they”, but what name do you give to the persons who decided not to equally fund our schools and to provide “freedom of choice” and provide no…

  • August 8th Celebration

    August 8th Celebration

    Still in the 1960s. August 8th was a big part of our summers during the 1960s. I did not attend the August 8th celebrations during the 1970s (college, etc.) and did not return until the late 1980s. Every summer, we looked forward to the August 8th celebration in A’ville. At the time, it was the…

  • Miscellaneous: Part II

    Miscellaneous: Part II

    Cinderella dressed in yellow Went to town to see her fellow How many kisses did she get? The above is a jump rope ditty that we sang/said before jumping rope. Sometimes Cinderella got a lot of kisses and sometimes not so many. In grades one through six, we always had recess and jump rope was…

  • Miscellaneous–Grades 1-6

    Miscellaneous–Grades 1-6

    In May 1963, I was eight years old. My parents took me and my sister to Nashville to Dudley Stadium at Vanderbilt in Nashville to see and hear President Kennedy. (I had to look up the date on the Internet. We were in our Sunday best. We parked some distance from the stadium and rode…

  • Second to Sixth Grade

    I think it was second grade that I was sick and missed most of the year. Not sure about that. Maybe, it was more like six weeks. I think that was the grading period. I don’t know the diagnosis, except I had a high fever and I must have had a very high fever because…



    I don’t remember that much about the first six years of my life. I was born in Kentucky and we lived with my maternal grandparents and great-grandmother (grandfather’s mother) until I was almost six years old. Then, we moved to Tennessee. Not far from my maternal grandparents. One of my earliest memories is of striking…

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