Dry Humor, Metaphors, Similes, Deadpan =Comedy–Sometimes

Luther Vandross sang a chair is still a chair even when no one’s sitting there. But a chair is not a house… A chair can represent many things such as power/inclusion (seat at the table), but, sometimes a chair is just a chair…a piece of furniture used for sitting. However, in the Montgomery Melee a chair was used as a weapon. (I understand chairs have been used in this fashion in the world of wrestling, but I’ve never watched wrestling enough to notice.) Anyway, a brother posted somewhere an oration wherein he anthromorphized the chair used in that melee. I don’t know his name as his piece was part of a compilation video on You Tube. It had me completely fooled…so many brothers are brainwashed when it comes to white women…until the punchline and I got my first good laugh of that particular day. When I realized what he had done….deadpan was perfection. He never gave a hint by tone or otherwise that he wasn’t seriously talking about the white woman who had justly been hit with the chair. I laughed out loud. He was so good.

However, his audience or the ones who commented… Very few seemed to understand what he was doing. Most seemed to take him literally. They didn’t grasp that he was talking about the chair…that he had anthromorphized the chair. The commenters were Black and white, female and male. Aren’t they taught about similes, metaphors, irony, parody, and sarcasm? If not, their one dimensional view of our language will not serve them well. Sometimes a chair is not just a chair, but a simile, a metaphor, with lots of nuances that enrich our perception of our world. Shout out to the Brother. Keep up the good work!

I have never understood why white people don’t understand that most Black people don’t like them and with good reason. They confuse “don’t like” with discrimination and anti-whiteness. Anyone who has treated a people like white people have treated us should expect not to be liked. But to divert from that conclusion, because they so want to be liked, no, they want to be revered (white savior syndrome), they falsely project their creation of discrimination onto us. Even when they define discrimination, it does not define what Black people are doing. It’s back to their zero-sum mindset and that they cannot comprehend that they have been the scourge of flora and fauna of everywhere they’ve set foot. Anything that Black people have is something they don’t have and must be taken back by any means necessary into their control and for their benefit.

Because they make the laws, policies, and procedures, they have been very successful at ensuring Blacks have very little. When one doesn’t “like” someone, one doesn’t want to be around them. One doesn’t want to partake of them in any way. “Not like” is a rational response to past experience. Prejudice/racism is an irrational construct meant to dehumanize a particular group for the benefit of another group.

I learned a new word today–sciamachy. Sciamachy means a fighting with a shadow: a mock or futile combat. I immediately thought of tilting at windmills which is what the knight in Don Quixote does. So I looked up tilting a windmills and the word and phrase are equivalent.

My great grandmother said that in a storm of thunder and lightning, she would put the four legs of a chair each in a glass and sit in the chair to protect herself from the lightning. And, when I was growing up, in the days of landlines, one didn’t talk on the phone during a storm, because sometimes a fireball (arc of electricity?) would erupt from the phone. I never saw it happen, but my mother did.

My great grandmother told us two, that I remember, ghost stories. One was a about a girl dressed in white who would wander through the cemetery as though she was looking for someone or something. Because of her, no one would walk past the cemetery at dusk. The other was about a girl who was standing in front of a second story window when the house was struck by lightning. Her image was forever etched onto that window and the window was painted white to match the rest of the house to hide her image. My mother or great-grandmother (don’t remember which) pointed out the house to me one day and, it just so happened that the house was now part of a cemetery. So, what came first the story or the cemetery? By the way, the front second story window(s) were painted white…just like she said.

An aside to the You Tuber who, in his ignorance, wanted to know why there were no Slave ships in a harbor for his touring pleasure. Number one reason…ships were made of wood and wood decays; number two…ships that were used to transport the Enslaved were repurposed after the Slave trade was no longer profitable; three…quite a few sank either during the trade or after being repurposed, and I’m quite sure there are other reasons. For your information, steel was not used in ship construction until the 1870’s and iron clad ships were battleship. Note the word “clad”. The ship was essentially wood which decays clad in iron. Critical thinking anyone?

Look up the Henrietta Marie, a ship transporting the Enslaved that sank after offloading her human cargo. A blueprint of the ship was included in the Exhibit I saw. That should give the clueless some idea of what a Slave transport ship was like. https://discover.hubpages.com/travel/History-of-the-Henrietta-Marie-Slave-Ship should get you started.

White hatred, in the past, would hang us, for their Sunday after church, picnicking pleasure, now it buys a semi-automatic weapon and guns us down. In memory of those murdered on August 26, 2023. May their souls not rest while such barbaric ignorant hatred is expressed and used to justify our murder.

Scapegoat–a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency. In their barbaric ignorance and illogic, we, are to blame for all their inadequacies, their failures, their lacks. If they rid themselves of the visible reminder of what they are, then they can become what they imagine themselves to be, the good, the strong, the rich, the famous, etc. But their imagined selves is a lie. They are of a group that says if you say something is true often enough then it becomes the truth. Only, of course it doesn’t and when the truth can no longer be denied, the barbaric cowards look for a scapegoat.

There is a You Tuber who calls himself The Professor Black Truth. He said the white group’s glue is the hatred of all things Black. I tend to agree with him. In order to maintain their sense of superiority, their grip on the world’s resources…they must meld disparate groups of people together to further that common cause. These groups of people have nothing in common except their greed, so how to keep these disparate groups in line…redirect their hate for each other to another group. If the groups expend their hatred on this other group, there will be less dissension in reaching their greed goal. Greed is the goal; hate is the glue. Perfect recipe for an implosion.

It’s hot outside and the heat is killing people of all ages. Hurricane Idalia made landfall this week. However, no rain here in Tennessee. Seems like Tennessee is now in a dry period as there has been no rain for a couple of weeks. The dry period is usually in August, so it is a little late this year. I was so used to rain every couple of days that I neglected my outdoor potted plants. I’m now back to a consistent watering schedule.

My dragon fruit plant produced this year. Last year, I wasn’t impressed with the fruit’s taste. This year, the fruit was tasty…sweet. Maybe it needed the hot, dry weather to reach its potential.

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