Forsythia and Daffodils

Forsythia, daffodils, lenten roses, and the pear tree are blossoming this day in the first week of March. Just noticed that my phlox is also blooming!

WLS, an AM station based in Chicago, was the late night radio station I listened to when I should have been asleep. In those days, FM wasn’t even an option on most transistor radios. WLS beamed a signal that was only clear after eight or nine o’clock at night. The weather affected the signal, especially thunderstorms. If I remember correctly, WLS played soul and rock music. For some reason, WLAC never came in clearly, even at night. The weather had to be perfect for my little transistor to pick up WLAC, but usually after eight at night, WLS always came in clearly.

We could never tune in to WVOL, a Nashville soul station, after five or six p.m. WMAK was the Nashville oldies station that we listened to. (Quick Google search shows that the WMAK I listened to was 1300 on the AM dial.) Even then, I preferred silence to country music.

Only hate wants the embodiment of hate to represent them. Back to that old saying, believe people when they tell you who they are and what they will do. Why do haters think violence is the means to their ends? Violence might win in the short term, but violence in the long run always loses. Why? From what I’ve read, if one lives in violence, violence loses its ability to instill fear of reprisal. In the end, one has nothing to lose in responding to violence with violence. When that happens, the violence escalates until no one is standing.

The wild, wild west could not continue. Every one had a gun and every one was eager to pull the trigger if dissed in any way. No man, woman, or child was safe. When people are not safe, commerce suffers. This is a nation built on commerce, therefore, the wild, wild west had to be tamed. But we didn’t learn, because now we are returning to the days of the wild, wild west.

How do you deal with a people whose essence appears to be rooted in hatred, greed, envy? We foolishly believe that love conquers all. But can it? What is the answer to a society that romanticizes evil, the bad guy? I’ve read actors who say they’d rather play the bad guy because they get to showcase their acting range in such a role. Let’s face it… We live in a society that finds “good” boring and nothing to aspire to. Like I said before that essential character(glorification of evil) of the United States and the Western world precludes any claim to “greatness”. We don’t remember the details of any “Golden Age”, but wars, conflicts, and sometimes disease are extensively notated in the annals of history. But the trauma, shock, disruption of war would fast fade the memory of any “Golden Age”?

Luther–Luther Vandross’s album that I have been looking for since my tape of “Everybody Rejoice” bit the dust has been re-released! The song is on You Tube and that’s how I’ve been listening to it when I needed a happy song fix.

I listened to the President’s State of the Union Speech. I was pleased with the points he made. Why do the Republicans so lack decorum, respect, savoir faire. Sometimes toddlers do need to be seen and not heard. I didn’t watch the rebuttal, but from what I’ve read it was not well-received. I don’t think the setting in a kitchen was bizarre. Just saw a video of the Republican woman who spoke. She was wearing a cross and she had an unnatural way of speaking. However, we all know that Republicans are comfortable telling women that they should be barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen, and serving men. A woman giving a speech in a kitchen is a subliminal reminder of a woman’s preferred status relative to males.

Those pictures of the former president surrounded by Black men and/or women? They’re fake. Why are the Republicans such liars, grifters, purveyors of misinformation? Can’t win on the merits, so let’s make up a fake reality for people you think are stupid to believe? We aren’t that stupid.

Isn’t it strange how the white people’s God only uses evil people to further their evil plans? They don’t even pretend that any good will result from their God’s use of these evil people…only that whatever they wanted will be the end result. I don’t see how they can use David as an example of God using an evil person to do good. David had a man killed to cover up his impregnating the man’s wife. However, God punished David and David repented of his evil act. So do evil and one will be punished is the moral of the David story.

And they use Paul as an example of God using an evil man to do good. Saul who was also known as Paul (used Paul exclusively as he traveled through the Roman empire as Paul was considered a Roman name) did not persecute the followers of Jesus after his enlightenment. How do you compare these two Biblical males with a male who lies, cheats, fornicates, steals, and thinks he has done nothing wrong? The Biblical examples repented of their evil deed(s) and sinned no more. One’s thinking has to be disordered to find any profound similarity between the former president and those two Biblical figures.

Since the 16th amendment was passed in 1923, the federal government has used the tax dollars of Black people to benefit white people. In a previous post, I listed some government programs that discriminated against Black people, but helped white people, e.g., buy homes and receive an education and create generational wealth. I think the funneling of our tax dollars to support white people to the detriment of Black people should be a topic of discussion.

Daylight Saving Time is back. Hurray!

Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire

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