Regarding Project 2025–one has to wonder what else the Republican Party has in store for us. What if Project 2025 is merely the cover for something even more nefarious? Isn’t it naive of us to trust that people who normally operate in the dark, would suddenly opt for transparency?

Have you noticed how white people rebrand themselves when they’re not prospering as white? There was that white woman who was the president of an NAACP chapter who told everyone she was Black. There is this white man from Colorado who has given himself an Arab name and now he is an expert on Islam and the Middle East. What gets me is that Black people are comparing him to Malcolm X when all he is is another white appropriator who couldn’t make money or gain prestige as a white man. When will we learn to turn from these fakes and call them out for what they are? Appropriators for gain and fame.

“Not Everything That Is Faced Can Be Changed, But Nothing Can Be Changed Until It Is Faced” – James Baldwin. In the darkest hours, heads are in the sand, and voices cry ignorance of past deeds, and nothing changes–that’s where we are now. But the scion of darkness eventually glimmers into our awareness and, all agnotological (culturally-conditioned ignorance) efforts cease.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’.” Isaac Asimov https://aphelis.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ASIMOV_1980_Cult_of_Ignorance.pdf

Wow, Asimov wrote this essay in 1980 and we have made no progress in forty years toward remedying our ignorance. Instead, we have gotten worse. We wallow in our ignorance and proudly proclaim our ignorance across multiple platforms. Usually, the louder the proclaimer, the more ignorant he or she is. I suppose ignorance has always had an emotional component and that is very evident today–forty years after the above-cited quote.

And the gloves are off. Politicians actively legislate ignorance–via bans on books and teaching certain subjects, underfunding public education… And, learning, intelligence is ridiculed by the masses.

Did you know anyone can be “white”? As long as the current group that calls itself white admits you into their ranks, there is no color barrier. I’ve written about Sarah Rector before. If you recall, Sarah Rector was a Black child who became an oil millionaire in Oklahoma. Guess what? The Oklahoma legislature tried to pass a bill declaring her “white”, because, as you know, back in the day, no Black person could possibly be a millionaire. But it shows just how fluid the group “white” is.

And United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, 261 U.S. 204 (1923), in which the Supreme Court ruled that a person of Indian descent was not white. Basically, the court said that all caucasians are not white. Wonder what Nikki Haley thinks of the Singh decision in this country which in her deluded estimation has never been racist. And, all of you that say that the U.S. was not founded in racism… what about the 1790 naturalization law limiting citizenship to “free white persons” ; the Dred Scott decision;  the Naturalization Act of 1906 that allowed only “free white persons” and “persons of African nativity or persons of African descent” to naturalize; and Takao Ozawa v. United States, 260 U.S. 178 (1922) ruling that Asians are not “white” and, thus, cannot be citizens? White people trying to revise what white people have written only makes white people look stupid and ignorant of their own history.

There is absolutely nothing that binds together the group that calls itself “white”, except the narcissist belief that a certain hue of skin makes them better than everyone who is not of that certain hue or hues. Hues? Because every time their number shrinks, the current group of whites admits another group, previously rejected, of white adjacent wanna-bes to bolster their numbers.

Well, neo-Nazis were parading their hatred and barbarism in downtown Nashville this past weekend, February 17, 2024. They were masked–Klan? Do these white males have any idea how many Americans died fighting Nazism in WWII? Do they have any idea what Nazism is? Don’t know where the white males are from but they are ill-educated, but most white supremacists are. That’s how they renew their ranks.

Excerpt from the Encyclopedia Britannica: Nazism…rejected liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, stressing instead the subordination of the individual to the state and the necessity of strict obedience to leaders. It emphasized the inequality of individuals and “races” and the right of the strong to rule the weak. Sound familiar? Isn’t this the thinking of the Klan, the white supremacists, the Republican Party? I wonder why misogyny is not specifically mentioned in the above definition. In Nazi Germany, women were viewed as breeders and as less than, just like Republicans do today.

These white males are the ones who should be railed against and vilified as un-American. Yet, they are permitted to spew their poison with no repercussion.

Sanction–official permission or approval for an action.

Permit–give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something

I’m missing something. I don’t know where I heard this but the gist was that God permits evil but does not sanction it. Is this splitting hairs or what? I shall let this happen, but I don’t officially approve of it. Isn’t that the Mafia Don’s MO (modus operandi) of not taking responsibility for heinous acts that his henchmen will go to jail for? However, without the implicit consent/sanction of the Mafia Don, the act would not have occurred. So, I really don’t think that relying on God’s sanction v. God’s permitting will explain the presence of evil in this world.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. Rumi

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    1. dmt209 Avatar

      Thank you.

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