Hot Hotter Summer 2024

With what we currently know about aerodynamics, bees should not be able to fly. But they not only fly, they dance! Isn’t Mother Nature awesome!

Don’t have men and women of character or morals on the Supreme Court. Most of them lied to get the position so what can one expect of liars? This Supreme Court has decided cases where there is no case or controversy just to advance their partisan personal agenda. The Supreme Court, in its latest decision, the ideologues did not pretend to follow their laughable code of ethics. Five of the justices had more than the appearance of a conflict. Did they recuse themselves? No.

How can there be a civilization based on toxic individualism? Isn’t a civilization based on cooperation among individuals who believe such cooperation benefits the collective of individuals? How can greed based individualism ever translate/cohere into a viable civilization?

If one looks at history through the current lens, all one will see is that which supports patriarchy and white supremacy. I read an article and its premise was that the past reading of history as in the vast majority of ancient people lived in what we have named “empires” is wrong. However, that reading of the past supports the toxic patriarchy that has ruled for the past thousands of years.

Just received notification about another data breach. Health systems, communications systems, food production and delivery systems, etc. have been targeted. And the same response to us citizens…the breach is being investigated. i was recently a visitor at a hospital that was in the midst of a cyber attack. One has no idea how dependent one is on computers until one is doing everything with pen and paper. The hospital was not prepared or, if it had a plan in place, it had not properly prepared its personnel for such an eventuality. And, after talking with some of the personnel…how could it?

Ever heard of traveling nurses? I hadn’t. Seems like this hospital was dependent on that subset of nurses who travel from hospital to hospital on a contract basis. These nurses are paid a premium and, in this greed based society, they are seeking the highest pay for their services. Unfortunately, these nurses have little incentive to learn any particular hospital’s disaster plan. So, when disaster strikes, the learning curve begins, along with the inevitable mistakes. I don’t think we realize that we, Black people in the United States have had only sixty years of de jure citizenship, i.e., citizenship where we could freely exercise our rights and sue when those rights were breached. I italicize “freely” because we all know that our treatment by this white supremacist country has always been and still is not in accordance with the spirit or the black letter of the law.

It’s a shame that the New York Times has become clickbait and its coverage of issues cannot be trusted. But profit is more important than its former reputation as a trusted news source.

Number 45 is disavowing Project 2025. But we know that he is lying. He only wants sycophants around him and subordinate to him. Project 2025 provides this. Also, the Supreme Court decision giving him immunity is part of the Project 2025 agenda. Remember the song about the snake…we knew he was a snake (liar) and snakes (liars) do not change. Snake is going to be a snake! Lying is essential to Number 45’s existence. Remember the Supreme Court ideologues he is so proud to have put on the Court…all of them lied. Number 45 is a liar who surrounds himself with liars. He will tell his cult…well you knew I was a liar and you voted for me anyway.

This is the world we live in where white people can adopt Black children and, instead of providing a loving home, use them as slaves. No white person should be allowed to adopt a Black baby or child…not in the United States. In another incident, white parents murdered their Black adopted children after fleeing from State to State to avoid accountability for child abuse and neglect. It is not true that we do not adopt. What is true and there were newspaper articles about it some years ago that Black parents who want to adopt were held to different more stringent standards than their white counterparts. What is also true is that white persons have been given priority in the adoption process. Just another factor to note in a white supremacist society.

Have you ever worked with a person with a stutter? I have. Sometimes it was painful to watch them struggling to speak coherently. But, I knew the person stuttered and just waited the stutter out. Not meanly, patiently until the conversation could continue. Sometimes, one could almost forget that he stuttered, but in times of stress, the stutter was evident. Some of the people in the United States are shallow and cruel. I listened to some of the debate on a car radio as I was in transit. I heard the stutter and could hear the President reaching for the right word. But, I also heard and what mattered to me was that he understood the questions and actually answered the questions. The President did not lie, obfuscate, or deflect in his responses. Stutterers sometimes get their words jumbled. But shallow Americans look only at the optics, not at the substance.

If President Biden drops out of the race, then #45 wins, but that is what the rich and the corporations want. They want Project 2025 implemented. They want the Christian Nationalists to wield their heavy handed idea of a theocracy. It’s all about power and control. All about continued white male hegemony. The rich and the corporations have the ilk of Putin that they revere. They turn a blind eye to the ilk of Putin who make you, then have you murdered when you are no longer useful in their quest for all-consuming power. They don’t see the ilk of Putin who will arbitrarily and summarily present your business to a friend who he wants to reward for loyalty. Maybe, I shouldn’t say they don’t see, but that they are so special that the worse could never happen to them…that is their arrogance.

President Biden, don’t listen to those who would turn our country into a oligarchic autocracy. They care only about the money that would flow upward into their coffers/pockets while the people work and receive nothing but the bare minimum. And that would be begrudged becauses the working class would be seen as fungible, replaceable. There would be no safety net and no government for, by, and of the people. The rich and the corporations will never understand what Aristotle knew thousands of years ago–poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.

I know people who have diabetes who have been helped by the cap on the cost of insulin, I know people who have had their education loans forgiven, I know my 401K has increased substantially in the last three years, I know your move away from trickle down economics has provided some respite for the middle and lower classes. I know why the U.S. supports Israel and I will never agree with that support or what the U.S. and Britain did back in the 1940s to create Israel, but like any parent, you want your child to succeed and damn the consequences. Overall, your policies have reversed some of the societal decline caused by the economic greed of the Republicans.

It’s that economic greed that requires the submission of the masses that has led to the crack, crystal meth, opiod, designer drugs, and alcohol epidemics. A drugged, dumb population cannot effectively react when rights, economic and civil, are being gradually rendered non-existent. That’s what the corporations want. That’s what the rich want. That’s how they retain power. Current policies are changing this dynamic and the rich and corporations want the useful dummy in the highest office who cares only for his own narcissistic ends.

Some are comparing this election year to 1968. I think there are some crucial differences. In 1968, there was a veneer of civility and the ability to be horrified and the uneducated masses could at least read and write (Remember the space race from the late 1950s to 1968? That was a boon for the United States in terms of meaningfully educating the masses.) (Caveat: the 1960s was also the time of white flight from the public schools to the schools operated by dogmatic churches which was a beginning and a continuation of institutionalized white ignorance.) All that has been lost. Could Johnson have won in 1968? Could the southern Dixicrats who are the heart of the Republican party been defanged at that time? A possibility–Johnson was a southern racist who spoke their language and understood their fears. Johnson was also a pragmatist. Could he have eased their fears? If that had happened, this country may have avoided the present we live in today.

The only stable state is the one in which all citizens are equal before the law. Aristotle, with my revision

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2 responses to “Hot Hotter Summer 2024”

  1. DJ Avatar

    Very good point about President Biden and those who stutter as well as his desire to address the REAL issues and speak truth! Evildoers are always threatened by the truth.

    1. dmt209 Avatar

      Thank you for your comment!!!

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