I’ll Be Doggone!

This picture of my dogwood and redbud trees was taken when the trees were in full bloom. Both trees showed their true colors this year! Like Margin Gaye sang–Well I’ll be doggone! But the line I like best is I wouldn’t be doggone; I’d be long gone!

From wordstrivia.com–A “reprobate” is an individual who lacks moral principles, often disregarding societal norms and conventions. This term doesn’t merely refer to someone who occasionally deviates from the path of righteousness, but to someone who is consistently unprincipled, often to the point of being shunned or rejected by society. Such a person is generally considered beyond hope of redemption or reform. Their actions and decisions are not guided by any moral compass, but rather by their own selfish desires and impulses. This disregard for morality and societal norms often leads to significant consequences for both the individual and those around them. Remind you of anyone? National, State, Local politicians?

Rain, rain, rain! Zinnia popups aplenty!!!

I’ve recently realized that we vote for the representatives, state, local, and federal to enact laws and policies in our best interests, but, in reality, these elected officials fervently and without apology work for corporate and wealthy interests. If these representatives are not already wealthy, they will soon be if they enact legislation that further enriches the corporations and the wealthy. In reality, the masses have no champion(s).

Why isn’t their self-serving behavior actionable as malfeasance or misfeasance or nonfeasance of office? These people lied to the people in order to be elected when they had no intention of representing their constituency. Nonfeasance might be a stretch, but people are being harmed by their non-representation of the voters’ interests.

Malfeasance in office is the doing of an act for which there is no authority or warrant of law.

Misfeasance is the wrongful and injurious exercise of lawful authority — that is, the doing of an act which might lawfully be done, but is done in an improper manner.

The former president has promised the corporations massive tax breaks and the right to further pillage this earth’s resources…all in exchange for a massive campaign donation, one billion dollars. And the amoral corporations with their PACs will probably take him up on the offer. And guess who will pay…the masses who actually pay taxes. We, as usual, get nothing, except the empty bag and the corporations begging for a bailout.

Isn’t that type of blatant quid pro quo illegal?

There is a group of people who have media platforms and if their lips are moving then one can be certain that they are lying and promoting a false agenda to feed their greed for money and power. These people are relentless in their quest to spread a lying narrative that focuses on their demonization of anyone or any idea deemed “Other”. And “Other” is any people or idea that does not agree with white people being in power and controlling wealth, political arena, economic arena, religious arena–any arena that feeds their insatiable greed. Greed fueled by insecurity can never, ever be satisfied.

Sycophant–a person who flatters another in order to get ahead; a servile self-seeking flatterer. Synonyms: parasite, toady, leech, sponge Sycophant is a word we should all know as the Republicans bow and kowtow to a man who has no morals, no shame, no truth, nothing to commend him, except he is an exceptional liar who, it appears, believes his own lies. Something to realize about these United States and its people…nothing is verboten, unless one is caught, and then, most of the people harmed must be of the same or higher class. Then, and only then, might there be justice for some who have been harmed.

Ida B. Wells Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases,” from The Lynching that Sent My Family North, The Atlantic June 2024: In that pamphlet, an oft-repeated quote of hers first appeared in print: “A Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home.” After the Civil War, southern states had passed laws banning Black gun ownership. For Wells, the gun wasn’t just a means of self-defense against individual acts of violence, but a collective symbol that we were taking our destiny into our own hands.

A short time ago, I had a conversation with a transplant from the Caribbean. He had settled in Tennessee and said he like the people. However, even though he said he knew our history in the South, it was obvious that he did not and that his mind was colonized by white supremacy. Why didn’t Black people have their own police, their own cities, their own businesses? Look at the white towns that had their own police, etc. etc. etc. What was keeping Blacks from doing the same thing?

How do you tell a colonized mind about a history of having and having what you built summarily destroyed with no recourse to law or justice? I told him that it was illegal for us to own guns during Jim Crow, but I don’t think he had any idea what Jim Crow was or how long it lasted. He had drank the kool-aid served by the whites and was content to think that if we just did what the white people did, we would be in the same position as they. We really don’t need Black people from the Continent or the Caribbean or elsewhere to come here, drink the kool-aid of white supremacy, and then tell us it is our fault that we have not progressed.

Well, #45 is finally undergoing justice pursuant to the rule of law that he so disparages. (For him and his–no rule of law; “other”–harshest penalty the law provides) And his cult is so delusional that listening to them is like listening to a pep rally gone psycho. I keep hearing the question how did we get here. We got here because there has been a concerted effort by Republicans to demonize education, to demonize the truth, to demonize facts. For too long, emotion has ruled the ignorant masses. The masses who are so ignorant that they do not know they are ignorant.

Every attack by the cult of #45 is ad hominem. They attack the person and not the person’s argument because they have no facts to dispute the issues raised by the person trying to reason with them. Discredit the person by any means necessary and the factual argument is lost in the chaos. That is their M.O.

We have justices who are no jurists, but political ideologues. That is the crime committed by #45…appointing persons who have no respect for the rule of law. For these justices, maintaining their power and the power of those who think like them is their objective. You’d think all these legally trained professionals, and I use that term loosely as it refers to these ideologues, would be able to logically think this one out…the attorney who carried out the payments and falsified records for his client has served time. Would it not be just for the person who authorized the payments and falsification of records to be held accountable?

I suppose they think like the Mafia. The Don is to be protected at all costs and there should always be a loyal underling to serve time for the actions of the Don. Only these underlings have a Don who will throw them under the bus in a heartbeat and would not piss on them if they were on fire. A true Don takes care of his loyal underlings. #45’s underlings get nothing but the joy of giving him their hard earned money and buying merchandise that has no value and permission to be their worst selves. I suppose that last is worth it to them, because they are deplorable and appear to revel in the baseness of their deplorability.

Just Deserts–a punishment that is justly deserved.

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