Promises Promises

Promises, Promises sung by Dionne Warwick…like in the song–sometimes you have to walk away from third party promises and affirm the promise you have made to yourself. Because we have made promises to ourselves, even if we haven’t articulated them.

Today I read an article about barbarism. Of course, the article was about the atrocities taking place in the Middle East. However, take out those references and the article was on point for the past and present of these United States. But barbarians never recog\nize themselves, because their cause is righteous and the means always justify the means. Some time ago an African leader (?) in response to a question said (paraphrase) What civilization in the West? We live in a time where the foxes have made themselves, not only comfortable in the henhouse, but also have costumed themselves in the guise of the hen.

One of the Ten Commandments is You shall not steal. Why? Stealing has consequences. I have never understood why God’s people must resort to pillaging, raping, killing, enslaving people and occupying their land in order to have a promised land. I’ve said it before…if God is all powerful…why didn’t God create a promised land for his people in an unoccupied land? Why must God’s people always take from others who are living their life? No one has ever answered that basic question to my satisfaction. Now, I suppose, it would be considered anti-Semitic to ask such questions.

No one wants to talk about how they treated the African people who practice the same religion, just as no one wants to talk about how the Ukrainians treated the Africans who were in their country. But that’s just a white thing and the West is white and those people who occupied what they call Israel, in the present, are white and from the West. One doesn’t call out one’s own behavior by pointing to someone doing the same thing, does one?

It’s Saturday and I’m updating this Post after seeing a very informative video about the Palestine/Israel conflict and the history of Israel’s creation. See– Check out the videos by this very thoughtful You Tuber. You will not be disappointed.

Our country has never kept its promises, maybe to other white western countries, but to any group considered other, the United States will sign anything, say anything to acquire the desired benefit, with no intent to honor its words or actions. That’s in the DNA of the United States.

The United States has always been morally bankrupt. Now, with social media the whole world sees that the emperor has no clothes and that it walks on feet of clay, Is this karma?

The oil/coal companies are doubling down on the destruction of our planet. Greed rules,,,our nest is fouled…the future will take care of itself or not…the next quarter’s profit is all that matters.

Have you noticed that when the masses have invested their money in the current great investment that the investment crashes and only the rich, the uber rich, can ride out the storm? And when the money settles…the uber rich have it all? It happens when the stock market crashes, when the housing market’s bubble bursts, and now with crypto-currency.

There will be annular solar eclipse this weekend. I will not be watching this eclipse. I did not get the protective lens like I did a couple of years ago. I can see why the Ancients placed such mystical emphasis on eclipses. Eclipses, even when one is fully informed, are eerie. For a few seconds, the fauna in the area is silent. And, even we who watched that eclipse were hushed. Last time, parts of the South were in that eclipse’s direct path. This time the direct path is more toward the west coast. The article below explains how to safely watch the eclipse.

Love conquers hate. That proverb, in this day and age, is juvenile and simplistic and will get you killed. Maybe, if one was living in a homogenous population that shared the same morals and beliefs, it might be relevant. Think about that scene in the first Indiana Jones movie where a man wielding a knife or knives is posturing and advancing…sure of his victory against an apparently unarmed Jones. What does Jones do? He pulls out a concealed gun and kills the knife wielder. The gun is hate and the knives represent love. Who wins?

In this day and age…the one who responds with love is destroyed. Forgiveness is used by the perpetrators to justify continuing their evil. Why stop when forgiveness is the reward? Heaven awaits those who are forgiven their evil. Right? Anyone who subscribes to that proverb should realize that they are not dealing with a people who value love. They value feeding their greed and feel-good endorphins. If hurting you will make them feel good, they will hurt you. They are barbarians. When will we get that simple fact through our thick skulls?

Also, reminds me of an old D grade monster/alien movie I saw when I was young. I’ve always remembered the scene where a minister reciting the 23rd Psalms walks through a valley surrounded by catastrophic destruction which is ongoing in the near distance. I suppose his God was supposed to disappear the destructive aliens/monsters and he would have been the hero. Guess what? The monsters/aliens killed him. The aliens/monsters had no concept of his savior God. The minister was in their way, therefore, he had to die. Simple, just like those who hate. They will destroy any and all that get in the way of them feeling and expressing their hate. Hate is their raison d’etre.

Guess what? First week in October and I was outside and I was barefoot. My mother would have had a fit if I had done that way back when!

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