Religious Zealotry in the 21st Century|2

Can’t expand Medicaid, pay teachers more, repair the state’s infrastructure, accept federal funds for education, pass meaningful gun control legislation, but along with the Republicans’ meaningless thoughts and prayers, Republicans can pass a bill that says put “In God We Trust” on license plates. What about the separation of church and state? What God is being referenced? I certainly want nothing to do with a God that Republicans believe in or pray to. Obviously, their God doesn’t care about anyone but Republicans and their ilk and has a perverse sense of humor in his dealings with them.

Seems like toxic males are a problem across the world. Just read an article about South Korea. Seems like in South Korea the males are violent toward women and hidebound in their attitude toward women. And, women in response, want nothing to do with them. Now, South Korea has one of the lowest birth rates in the world.

Is males wholehearted acceptance/embrace of capitalism part of the problem?

Do we want a theocratic state? I know I don’t. I live in the South and there is a church on every corner and two along each block. Different denominations and sometimes the same. All these churches, their parking lots full on Sunday, and the people are full of hate, lack compassion, gun toting, and amoral who believe it is their right to be the worse sort of human being. If the Catholic Church is any example, then the theocratic elite will be the most horrible human beings they can possibly be while imposing a strict punishing morality on the masses. Dante’s Inferno will have new rungs of purgatory created for and dedicated to them.

Most everyone says that the U.S. is a religious country. But, it isn’t. People in the United States pay lip service to the mores of the Bible, but practice any evil they can get away with. Kind of like the Mafia. Do evil all their lives and repent on their deathbed so they can go to heaven. Don’t forget that large donation to back up that repentance!

Marlena Shaw passed this week. I kind of remember her song “Go Away Little Boy”, but it didn’t leave an impression. The song she sang that I really liked was “California Soul”. I first heard it on an album that contained songs from many different artists who were popular in the sixties and seventies. It’s still a favorite on my playlist. I also like the version by the Fifth Dimension. Rest in Peace. Your voice will live on!

There are a few very loud very insistent Black males who appear to advocate for a return to slavery. They loudly proclaim their support for a racist who has said he would be a dictator. Why are these Black males so afraid of freedom? Why do they profess love for someone who has said whenever he has the chance that he does not view them as equal, as worthy to be citizens of this country? Why do they use the word “love” when referring to this horrible, horrible human being? It boggles the mind.

Reminds me of the former slave who wrote her former master that she would like to return to slavery because being free was too difficult. As we live in a capitalistic country, we are already economic slaves and these Black males apparently want to deepen the slavery to include every aspect of our lives. Or are all males so misogynistic that anyone who degrades women and puts them in their so-called proper place a hero? Don’t they know that once the women are demonized into the obscurity of property, barefoot, and pregnant, they will be next? It’s as though history has no meaning to them and they willingly doom themselves to repeat Slavery. I know about the 13th amendment and slavery if one is convicted of a crime. I know that prisoners are being used as Slave labor. That is one segment of our population. That section of the 13th amendment should be removed. Do we want the return of Jim Crow? What we now have is de facto Jim Crow; we do not want a return to de jure Jim Crow. Do you want a return to the time when children were forced to work? When education was only for the wealthy? Read Project 2025–America has never been great for us and other groups who were not white, male, landed, rich and the white supremacists long for a return to their misogynistic glory.)

Or are they worshipping what they consider to be an exemplar of misogyny? The article below lends some support to a “yes” answer to that question.

Also in the above article, the phrase “Rainbow Coalition of Haters” is used. Such an apt description of males who lack a positive coherent self-image.

Excerpt from above cited article: “Gaetz’s comments reveal something about an emerging Republican belief: misogyny and homophobia, especially if aimed at the stereotype of an educated, liberal, middle-class white woman (a “Karen”), can help the party win over Black and Hispanic men with sexist views.” I have to disagree with the writer’s definition of a “Karen”. Karens can be educated and liberal, but I see mostly uneducated, conservative, racist, entitled white women as “Karens”.

Sad that those deluded males don’t see that they are being used to support an agenda that openly despises them and all who look like them. They are the ones we must recognize and leave behind in our quest for our rightful piece of the pie. They will always betray us.

Christian Nationalism is a movement that advocates that the United States should be a theocracy, i.e., governed by immediate divine guidance or by persons who are regarded as guided by a god. (Really it is a movement by white supremacists to cement control of the U.S. in the near and far future.) One of the founding tenets of this country is the separation of church and state. I wonder how those adherents would select a divinely guided person? Would it be like in the Baptist Church where one is called by some entity and who, then, proclaims that calling to whomever? With the grift, lying, greed, and immorality rampant in the U.S., why would anyone who proclaimed themselves to be divinely called be believed? Or is it the person who raises the most money who would be declared the winner of the divine lottery?

I wonder what this divine guidance would look like? Would the person pray themselves into a trance and their god would speak to them? Would the person have to have a palace with servants and all the accoutrements of the wealthiest before that person could be divinely guided? Christian Nationalism sounds like another way to feed the greed of the few at the expense of the many!

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