Roller Coaster…Anybody?

In Tennessee, can you imagine? Some years ago, I planted the top of a pineapple that I had bought. Just to see if it would grow. It did and much more than a pineapple plant I bought a couple of years later. Now, that plant which I didn’t pamper at all…water–sporadically, fertilizer–whenever, winter–garage and monthly fruiting. I couldn’t believe it. This past winter was somewhat warm for these parts…but a pineapple. I might have a pineapple that I can eat grown in Tennessee by the end of the summer.


Just goes to show how mediocre white people are. Per the You Tube posting, Without History, Back in 1949, the first Top Gun Competition was held. White pilots had state of the art airplanes and the Tuskegee Airmen had older, obsolete aircraft. Guess who won? The You Tube article on this says the Tuskegee Airmen’s trophy was hidden for fifty-five years and their victory not acknowledged. Sad…we don’t realize just how mediocre white people are even when they give themselves the best.

Maga nuts seem to think the world revolves around #45. The stock market was supposed to crash if he was convicted. Well, #45 was convicted and the stock market had its best day ever in 2024. Also, the prophetess who has a direct line to some god was also wrong. Her god said #45 would be freed and exonerated. Her god was wrong. Seems like they would get a clue. #45 is no savior. He is using them in a desperate effort to avoid accountability for the criminal acts that have been his hallmark all of his adult life.

In contrast to the maga nuts and #45, President Biden accepted the jury’s verdict when his son was convicted. President Biden, by his words and actions, upholds the rule of law upon which this country was founded. The rule of law that is being undermined by the words and actions of the true traitors of this country and its ideals.

I have come to the conclusion that white people will never hold themselves accountable for the atrocities that their group has committed in this country and else where. The white people in TUlsa in one of their fits of jealous rages destroyed a vibrant Black community. They looted and robbed the community and their descendants profited from their criminal acts. The Oklahoma Supreme Court said that the white people living today cannot be held accountable. However, we as Black people are held accountable every day for our Ancestors’ status as slaves in this country. When karma comes for this white group, I will have no sympathy for they had the opportunity to be better than their parents and grandparents and chose to be like them. Let karma serve its purpose.

Margaret Chase Smith 1950–“I do not want to see the Republican party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny—Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.”

MCS’s fear has become a reality in 2024. back in 1950, there were Republicans of character and conscience. No longer–the Republicans of 2024 have succumbed to selfish greed which is the basis of their fear, ignorance, bigotry, and smear.

Unfortunately, in this environment of lies and toxic AI, everything must be questioned. And most of us do not have the intelligence and curiosity to search for the facts. It is too easy to listen to a talking head–it has a platform; it must be credible! Because of the average person’s lack of intelligence that appears to be the extent of their pursuit of facts.

Bubbles exist to be burst. When the hoi polloi realize that their bubble has been burst and, what they have brought into being is destroying them as well as the “Other”, what will be their response? Will they go quietly into the slavery the self-appointed elite that they have lionized has planned and readied for them?

President Biden’s policies have shown that trickle down economics do not and have never worked. If there is no strong federal government, there will be no economic classes but the very rich and the ones being used by the very rich. And the very rich have shown by words and deeds that no one deserves a decent life at the expense of their profits. Profit first and foremost and the scraps in the trash heaps for the ones they use.

Why is any one person worth a billions of dollar compensation package? There is homelessness, food insecurity, persons working multiple jobs for the necessities, lack of medical care, insufficient funding for schools, astronomical day care costs, and one person’s compensation package is in the billions. In any society that purports to be for, by, and of the people, such compensation package should be protested against as obscene.

These are the business people who salivate for an autocratic, fascist theocratic government. They believe their money will insulate them from the horrors of such government. However, business men in Russia and other autocratic countries have found that their money only marks them for death and their money is eagerly vacuumed into the accounts of the autocrat who patted their heads when it suited him.

The term “looting” refers to the stealing of goods, usually during a war or a riot and often following a natural disaster.

During modern-day armed conflicts, looting is prohibited by international law, and constitutes a war crime. .

Stealing–to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice

I recently saw a video where a French male, if I understood him, tried to distinguish between looting and stealing. From the above definitions, it appears that looting is stealing. You know a rose is a rose is a rose— Gertrude Stein and A rose by any other name would smell as sweet–Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare And, now looting is prohibited by international law. And he also said that the retaining of looted artifacts may be morally wrong, but nevertheless legal. I get that since laws are sometimes enacted to justify the illegal activity of the ruling class. Still–forked tongue, sloppy thinking, anything to support the narrative that supports retaining stolen goods? Boggles my mind the twists and turns those minds must make to create distinctions where none exist.

Woe betide those who worship their oppressors’ god and sanctify their oppressors’ religion. A personal observation.

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