Smoked Turkey & Corn Pudding

I had smoked turkey and corn pudding for Thanksgiving. The corn pudding was a surprise. My niece, who is a decent cook, made the corn pudding. I’m still eating leftovers and will have enough for Sunday dinner.

With these shortened days, the chill has come. A friend who lives in the southern part of Tennessee has summer flowers blooming. I brought in the tomatoes from plants that were still blooming. The last couple of nights have ended this year’s growing season. My brother is experimenting with growing tomatoes under a grow light. We’ll see if he succeeds!

Now, we know why DEI had to be discredited and done away with. White people don’t like competition and now they can hire the incompetence they always wanted to hire and don’t have to finagle to do so. I’ve seen too many Black new hires whose self-confidence was destroyed by white managers who hired them when they wanted to hire a relative or a friend. And, when, they were fired or they quit, the white manager used their manager manufactured failure to justify never hiring another Black person.

Don’t get me wrong. I have seen Black hires who were incompetent. There was one who was hired solely because of his father’s reputation. Needless, to say–the son inherited none of his father’s intelligence or character. No one respected him. He could have tried to learn the job he was given, but he did not and rarely came to work. But, because of his father, he received a paycheck until, for some reason, he left.

The father must have known that his son had no business or social intelligence or character as he did not leave his business to his son and must not have left instructions that his son be assured a position in the business. That business could have been the beginning of a family business passed through the generations, but there was no competent family for the father to leave the business to, so it became basically a one generation business.

Hopefully the incoming Trump administration realizes that the rural and working-class voters who propelled him to power are among those most affected by food deserts—and by the broader decline in local self-reliance that has swept across small-town America since the 1980s. A powerful tool for reversing that decline is available. Any leader who truly cared about the nation’s left-behind communities would use it.

How could anyone write that last sentence (or this paragraph) with a straight face when the people in power have made it abundantly clear that they care only for the power of the billionaires to impoverish the people who they consider the have-nots? There are some good points in the article, but the bottom line is and will be that corporate power is strangling the very fabric of the United States. Corporations do not care about people, only about profits. Corporations don’t care that they sell rotten food to the people. They do care about being the only option so the people have no choice but to buy from them, thus maintaining their profitability.

“Brain rot” is the Oxford’s word (phrase) of the year. (A) “supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as a result of overconsumption of material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging”.

Odd that this has only now been named. Brain rot took root in the 1960s when the whites fled the public school system for schools operated by their churches. As we can see, those schools taught neither Christianity nor secular subjects. The graduates received a piece of paper they could neither read nor understand and they passed their dullardness to their children and grandchildren.

How low do humans have to go before they extinct themselves? College students can’t read an entire book. They can only absorb what we used to call the “Cliff Notes” version of a book. When I was in school, the Cliff Notes version of a reading assignment might get you a passing grade, but it would be a low passing grade. Now, that is the comprehension level of students attending elite universities.

There are toddler males exercising or trying to exercise their “Lord of the Flies” fantasies to the detriment of everyone else and the same type of males who are grayed and paunchy now wield power at the highest levels of government. The adolescent oligarchy, of which Nero was a prime example, will not bother to fiddle while the fires they set render the landscape barren. They will retreat to their provisioned bunkers with those of their own ilk.

In sociology, anomie or anomy is a social condition defined by an uprooting or breakdown of any moral values, standards or guidance for individuals to follow. Anomie is believed to possibly evolve from conflict of belief systems and causes breakdown of social bonds between an individual and the community (both economic and primary socialization). Wikipedia I feel this is where we are today. A bank employee warned me not to trust anyone, because seems like so many have a grift that seeks to relieve one of one’s assets.

Zugzwang refers to the obligation to make a disadvantageous move in a strategic game, particularly chess. In real life, we have to make these dammed if you do and damned if you don’t decisions. Between a rock and a hard place is another way of saying this.

All the billionaires and millionaires are lining up, hoping their gifts will turn his vengeful eye to anyone but them. See, they are saying, I’m just like you–greedy, grifting and I want to continue. I’m sure Putin’s oligarchs did the same and look where they are now–dead, imprisoned, exiled, poor–most definitely a former oligarch. These billionaires and millionaires think they do not need the citizens, but the French aristocracy found that the citizens wielded the guillotines that beheaded them. Let’s let history repeat itself. Those faceless replaceable drones that the rich callously used to create and maintain their wealth and status–they were the masked executioners.

Plausible Deniability–the term typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up the conditions for the plausible avoidance of responsibility for one’s future actions or knowledge. Think “plausible deniability” when considering the actions of the residents of Jackson County, Tennessee. There was a group of residents claiming vociferously that they were not racists. However, Jackson County is over 90% white. If you know the history of Tennessee, documented and otherwise, there have been incidences where the white residents violently removed the Black residents. Not saying that it happened in Jackson County, but most expulsions were not documented. I am skeptical. In my skepticism, I would say that most of the white people in that county are racists, but like most southern whites, they hide their racism with white sheets and the darkness of night. Because white people must always be seen as “good” and not the perpetrators of the evil they freely commit. Someone invited the christian nationalists to that county. These “christians” are vocal in their aims. Now, the county’s residents will be able to deny their complicity in the outcome they desire–an all white enclave.

The more fear, the more “mongering” of all sorts, the more the hoi polloi can be manipulated into acting against their own interests. White power has always been based in fear and in destroying a people’s self-sufficiency. You see that in the destruction of Black economic opportunity, i.e., the destruction of the many Black Wall Streets that thrived until violently destroyed by ignorant, jealous whites. You see it in their former colonies that, even today, cannot feed themselves without imports (and many of those imports directly benefit the former colonizer).

However, the whites can have their all-white enclaves–just saw where the Amish has bought land in Tennessee. Ans, of course, the whites who have bought land to create their own white controlled county–also in Tennessee. The hypocrisy of the whites is so appalling as to be laughable. But it fits their narrative–all for them and nothing for anyone else and the rules they make are not for them, only for the other.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein

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