Strawberry Pie–Yay!!!

I am not a cook. I have never wanted to make a strawberry pie, but nostalgia set in. For some reason I had a taste for Shoney’s strawberry pie and I do not live near a Shoney’s. So, I found this recipe on the Internet and, even if it doesn’t look like the slices I bought many years ago, it tastes near enough that I can’t tell the difference. I think I have some whipped cream in the freezer, so I’ll put a dollop or two on a slice or two. Promise to me–I will not eat the pie in one sitting! (Note: I should have remembered how much I dislike jello! The berries and the crust are delicious.)

I am my family’s historian and I just received my great great grandfather’s military record. This is the second time I ordered it as I cannot find the previous order. I think I received more documents this time. In these documents, his cause of death was listed as consumption. So, I have some new information for the next family reunion.

Also, had a collateral relative die of pellagra. Primary pellagra is caused by diets low in niacin or tryptophan. Tryptophan can be converted to niacin in the body, so not getting enough can cause niacin deficiency.

Primary pellagra is most common in developing countries that depend on corn as a staple food. Corn contains niacytin, a form of niacin that humans can’t digest and absorb unless prepared properly.

My relative died in Indiana in 1937. One doesn’t think of someone dying of a vitamin deficiency, even in 1937. He was born circa 1893. I know that my people knew how to prepare hominy because I remember my grandmother making it and I never ate it because I did not like the taste. Hominy is corn that has been soaked in lye and, in the the process, niacytin is transformed into a form of niacin that humans can digest and absorb.

I do remember that even when I was a child that corn was an important part of my grandparents’ diet. They ate cornbread at most of their meals. For breakfast, I remember griddle cornbread smothered in butter and molasses. For other meals, there was hot water cornbread and what I call regular cornbread made with eggs, salt, milk, bacon grease, baking powder, and a little flour. And they would all eat cornbread soaked in buttermilk. I wouldn’t even taste that mush. And they grew acres of corn, which was mostly for animal feed during the winter.

However, when he died of pellagra, they were no longer living in the country, but in a city. We lose so much knowledge when we leave our roots. Did anyone really know why they did what they did when preparing any harvest for consumption? Wouldn’t they have just said this is the way it’s always been done?

Why do we think celebrities whose claim to fame is acting, i.e., pretending to be who and what they are not, should be asked their opinion on anything other than acting? George Clooney is entitled to his opinion, but it is his opinion and not an informed opinion about what is at stake in this election. Has Clooney read Project 2025? Does he know what MAGA wants for this country? Has he any idea what happened at the 1968 Democrat Convention? But he’s like most rich white males…if he doesn’t like the politics or the affect of the current politics on him, then he will just move elsewhere.

There’s a word out there to express most thoughts… By happenstance, this post was in my inbox! An ultracrepidarian is someone who gives opinions on subjects they know nothing about. The term originates from an ancient Greek anecdote where a shoemaker (crepidarius) is advised not to judge beyond his shoes (ultra crepidam). Excerpt from July 13, 2024 Words Trivia.

More and more of us who live in this USA have not turned our backs on President Biden. Name recognition and results…President Biden has both. If you bother to look, we are circling the wagons while some of the democrats with platforms scream wolf from their secure perch. More and more of us are not listening to you and, sooner than you think, you will find out that we, not only will not listen to you, but will send you home and there the mirror will be your audience.

My father’s cousin ran a boarding house in Tulsa…must have been after the massacre in 1921. Before that, he lived in Boley, OK, an all Black town. Just saw a video where a body in an unmarked grave in a Tulsa cemetery (Pauper’s Cemetery?) has been identified as a Black male who was murdered in the massacre. As you know, the lawsuit filed by two survivors of the Tulsa massacre has been dismissed. Identifying the bodies of those murdered is not sufficient recompense for what was violently stolen from the Black population of Tulsa.

News flash that someone may have fired shots at a #45 rally. Will the correct question be asked–is this a ploy for sympathy orchestrated by #45 because of the debacle of Project 2025? From glancing at some other videos, it appears that #45 needs money (what else is new?). What better way to arouse his cult than to survive a nefarious plot to kill him?

Now, #45 is the Republican nominee for president and for V.P. he chose another white supremacist. That was to be expected. White male monied hegemony is their platform. And no hint of honor, character,compassion, statesmanship, or any moral values whatsoever. Seems like folk don’t want to realize that a snake will always be a snake…might go dormant for a while…but when it awakens, the snake will loudly proclaim “you knew I was a snake and here I am doing what snakes do. What’s your problem?” Further, there is nothing Christian about their agenda. Old Testament fire, brimstone, retribution, hellfire is their playbook.

We need to remember history, even if it did not take place in the U.S. How many of us know about  Kristallnacht, which happened in Hitler’s Germany. Read about it here– See if you see any parallels between then and current events.

The Republicans not only use violent language, they practice violence. However, it appears that as long as they, the Republicans, are spewing violence, that’s okay. The hypocrisy that is not being called out loudly enough is amazing and blatant.
1. North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is facing backlash for a clip circulating online of the MAGA Republican saying that “some folks need killing.” Excerpt from

2. January 6

3. Abortion rights opponents across the country want to charge women with murder

4. Article from 2021 detailing the violence, rhetoric and actions, of the Republican Party.

5. On Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 05:34:07 AM CDT, Judd at Popular Information <> wrote: These Republicans use violent rhetoric. They are featured speakers at the RNC.

A lie told a thousand times is still a lie and the Republican Party has become the party that lies. The only unification that the Republicans want is all power, economic and otherwise, in their control.

The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. Machiavelli

Always assume incompetence before looking for conspiracy. Machiavelli

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