The Pendulum Swings!!!

Change is good! I’ve decided the name for the two legged animals that claim to be the most advanced on this planet should be homo ignoranium stupidus. That way the first letter of each of the words spell out HIS, which ties in more with the patriarchy that has created this creature. And, this should have been expected. A long time ago, I read somewhere that the intelligence of the child is directly tied to the intelligence of the mother. Makes sense–who is the caregiver and educator of the child during its formative years. The mother. Now, the patriarchy does not value intelligence in women. The patriarchy values physical beauty (their definition), money, and access to power. Intelligence is not given a thought. So, over the generations, the mothers may be beautiful, they may have money, they may have access to power, but they may have no intelligence (either genetic or experiential) to pass to their children who, in many cases, were left in someone else’s care or left to fend for themselves. So, we end up with homo ignoranium stupidus.

My past informs me, but does not define my present.

I’m one of those back sliding Baptists who slid out of the church never to return. However, I grew up in a Baptist church and I do not understand the brouhaha over the young one who was pregnant being asked to stand before the church and ask for forgiveness. When I was growing up, this was a common practice. The male sperm donor was never asked to stand before the church. I’m being cynical here, but sometimes the male donor was the minister, the minister’s son, a deacon, or a deacon’s son. You get the picture. The only difference I see in the modern version is that the church was cruel and heartless. I remember, in my former church, there was no such negative outpouring. Maybe, as I learned later, because most every “Mother” of the church had had a baby out-of-wedlock, so they weren’t about to cast a stone at the teenager standing before them. They’d had to do the same. The pregnant girl asked for forgiveness, forgiveness given…nothing more to say. No penalties like this church saying no baby shower.

Isn’t the non-compassion of this church a symptom of the time in which we live? Greed is god and the New Testament has been cast aside for the vengeful eye for an eye of the Old Testament? Hasn’t the church always reflected the mores of the current time?

And, no, I don’t agree with the practice. It was denigrating and humiliating then and I thought it was stupid. I was a teenager, but even then, I asked a friend where was the father? Neither of us had an answer.

Doesn’t it go back to the patriarchy? No consequences for the males for their indiscriminate sexual behavior. However, females must remain chaste and virginal at all costs or be labeled a whore, a loose woman…not fit to be any man’s wife? All so the male can say…I am supporting only my seed. And the pendulum swings–seeking balance.

If you want to read about it–

This country has always celebrated WEIWhite, Entitled, Incompetent. Shout out to Lurie Daniel, the You Tuber who came up with that apt description of the whites who have positions of authority and otherwise in this country. The meritocracy of the white skin–that is this country. What’s really sad are the contortions of people who want to be white. They demean themselves and disgrace their ancestors–all so that they can participate in the evils perpetuated by the whites. They are pathetic.

What I have noticed is how whites steal from others and then give awards to themselves for being the best at the stolen activity. And their mediocrity and ineptness is showcased for all to see, but the judges look like them, so they get the awards. Or, if the judges, don’t look like them, they have been bought. Yeah, I’m cynical today.

As I write this, parts of California are burning. The intensity and persistence of the wildfires is probably due to climate change which has caused the area to receive less rainfall and the Santa Ana winds, which are strong and carry little moisture. But, also, maybe, to human action, whether deliberate or unintentional–it is not known at this time.

We live in time where fear must be constantly manufactured so that we do not notice that we walk barefoot.

So, the social media is rife with lies. See, if there were only white males in charge, things would be different, better. White males are the best, the brightest, the problem solvers. No one can be as good as a white male. Wait a sec–wasn’t every economic downturn in this country the result of policies and actions of white males? Isn’t it white males who have used guns and disease to conquer the vulnerable? I’ve never forgotten the scene in one of the Indiana Jones movies where the native is brandishing his knife and Indiana doesn’t hesitate to pull his gun and shoot the native. The white male does not believe in a fair playing field. When there is anything near a fair playing field, the white male uses the laws enacted by him and his ilk and/or violence to reset the rules so that the white male again has the advantage.

The Washington Post was wrong. Democracy does not die in darkness. Democracy dies in full daylight for the promise of a tax break. In other words, greed is the downfall of democracy.

We got our snow on Friday. It’s now well-above freezing and the roads are clear except where shaded and there is still the danger of black ice. As always, with the threat of snow, the grocery stores were emptied of milk, bread, etc.

Do we really want to go back or because of our ignorance–is this where we are now…again…today? Excerpt from Ovid’s The Metamorphoses circa 8 CE (Common Era) 1st century

Third came the people of the bronze age, with fiercer natures, readier to

indulge in savage warfare, but not yet vicious. The harsh iron age was last.

Immediately every kind of wickedness erupted into this age of baser

natures: truth, shame and honour vanished; in their place were fraud, deceit,

and trickery, violence and pernicious desires. They set sails to the wind,

though as yet the seamen had poor knowledge of their use, and the ships’

keels that once were trees standing amongst high mountains, now leaped

through uncharted waves. The land that was once common to all, as the

light of the sun is, and the air, was marked out, to its furthest boundaries,

by wary surveyors. Not only did they demand the crops and the food the

rich soil owed them, but they entered the bowels of the earth, and

excavating brought up the wealth it had concealed in Stygian shade,

wealth that incites men to crime. And now harmful iron appeared, and gold

more harmful than iron. War came, whose struggles employ both, waving

clashing arms with bloodstained hands. They lived on plunder: friend was

not safe with friend, relative with relative, kindness was rare between

brothers. Husbands longed for the death of their wives, wives for the death

of their husbands. Murderous stepmothers mixed deadly aconite, and sons

inquired into their father’s years before their time. Piety was dead, and

virgin Astraea, last of all the immortals to depart, herself abandoned

the blood-drenched earth. (End of Excerpt)

(I’m re-reading The Metamorphoses. I read it a long time ago. I was reading some sci-fi(?) and thought something was familiar. I think what was familiar was something I’d read in The Metamorphoses. Even if not, it’s worth a re-read!)


Wisdom is an open hidden truth, that can only be known by the gifted. Our inability to relate the past with the present is making us to be scared of tomorrow. We are people living another people’s life. There our confusion started. We need to rediscover who we really are, if not, we will (be) merely existing(,) but not living. I need to be optimistic(.) (I)n the past(, I thought,) we will get it right one day, but no more. {Parentheticals are mine. Added for readability.} Ayodele Oyewole Ababale (Don’t know who this is or was or where on the Continent of Africa he lived. I copied this from a post on YouTube which, for some reason, as I finished copying, disappeared, and I wasn’t able to find it again.)


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