Virgo/Libra Rising!!!

Autumn is around the corner, but today, the end of August, the temperature is around 100 degrees.

I am really annoyed at the beggars constantly asking for money…no, they call it donations. Yes, I gave. That does not mean I want to be bombarded with requests for another donation. Just five dollars, three dollars…anything. I don’t read those e-mails. Those e-mails are summarily deleted. When did the United States get to be such a culture of begging? Funerals, hospital bills, honeymoons—let’s beg and see how many of the gullible public will donate. What kind of civilization is this where citizens have to beg for necessities and wants? Although, the begging for “wants” is part of the greed and grift that is endemic to the United States.

Why don’t people know that the reason the middle class has been hollowed out through the trickle down economic policies begun during the Reagan presidency and adhered to by every Republican administration since. An aside, I didn’t know this, but the worse president, so far, is Number 45. As anyone with a hint of intellect and character knows, Number 45 caters to the worse of the worst in people who have no goodness in them.

I was scrolling You Tube and came across a white male and a white female who in 2024 confidently stated that Obama was president on 9/11. Low intellect, no regard for facts, and logic is beyond their brain capacity. Why is it so difficult to Google before you open your mouth and tell everyone how stupid you are?

In another video, the MAGAs didn’t know what was in the first, second, and fourth amendments. Yet, both were all for the right to own guns and to spew their hate..

Have you seen the single panel cartoon of the wolf at a podium orating to an audience of sheep? The wolf says something like–if I’m elected, I promise to become a vegetarian. And all one can think is–are the sheep that gullible? If the sheep were human, then the answer would be yes. And, of course, only cartoon sheep would be in proximity to a wolf!

Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, America has created about 51 million new jobs—about 50 million under Democrats, 1 million under Republicans. Excerpt from Bill Clinton’s 2024 DNC speech. Former President Clinton said he had to check those numbers more than once because it is mindboggling that citizens don’t understand that the Republicans don’t care if a factory moves overseas. That’s more money in the shareholders and CEO’s pockets. The Republicans don’t care that Kroger has been price-gouging its customers in the aftermath of COVID. More money for the CEO.

Project 2025 tells us that the Republicans don’t care if the environment is polluted, that our food is tainted, that housing is unaffordable, that medical care is not available or too expensive, that life-saving or quality of life drugs force us to choose between the drugs and other necessities, that schools are underfunded. Republicans don’t care about we the people, only they the rich and they the corporations. That’s the Republicans’ constituency. Remember, the tax breaks promised by No. 45 to the billionaires if they raised a billion dollars for him? Can’t even say it was for his campaign as those funds will probably be used to pay his personal legal bills and to fund his lifestyle.

Something is so wrong with people who want to hear personal attacks against anybody rather than hear a candidate for the highest political office tell them what his policies are. These people have no idea how these unknown policies will affect them and maybe they don’t care.

Do you remember Earl Butz? He was the Secretary of Agriculture under Presidents Nixon and Ford. In 1976, he made the following comment–“I’ll tell you what coloreds want. It’s three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit. That’s all!”  Now we have a candidate for office saying all Blacks want is menthol cigarettes, cheap gold colored athletic shoes, a convicted felon, and no-class citizenship. Is there any sane Black person whose Ancestors lived through Slavery and Jim Crow who wants to return to those days? And, will we ever be seen as citizens who just want to live our lives without their interference and their negativity and their stereotypes?

Of course, you have the Black immigrants who are not our friends. A great number of them, not all. They want to be as white adjacent as possible and don’t seem to understand that white people will never ask them where they’re from when they (whites) decide to murder, burn, bomb, and generally throw under the bus the first melanated person who crosses their path. But, they will do anything to maintain their white adjacency. Even smile as they are being brutally insulted.

Saw a video about the top twenty surnames of us Black folk. Never thought that most of our Ancestors retained the surname of their owners so that their relatives might find them. We are such an intelligent people and so practical! And if you know anything about the aftermath of the Civil War…we were diligently searching for our family.

Of the twenty surnames, Brown was the only surname in my family tree. And it was not a Slave owner’s surname, but the surname taken, for reasons we will never know, by the older sons of my Ancestor who was listed in the 1870 census. I always thought it was strange that the older sons–I think three?–changed their surname to Brown, while the younger sons retained their father’s surname.

Demean, belittle, minimize, denigrate, trivialize, and outright lie–that is the Republicans’ playbook when they have nothing substantive to offer. Do they realize how offensive they are? Even when people cannot name what they are doing, their words leave a sour taste and a feeling that something’s not right with them. Off-putting and repellent and who wants to be around, much less listen to, someone who is off-putting and repellent.

Interesting bit of trivia–no presidents were born during the decades of 1930s or 1950s. I don’t know what I was reading when I thought–no presidents were born during the 1950s. Doesn’t mean anything; just a curious fact.

I saw a blurb this morning that said VP Harris should man up during the upcoming debate. Why? Because this is a patriarchy and there is no value in a debate where a woman being a woman might bring a different perspective? Or is it that a different perspective will not be respected because it does not pander to the patriarchy? The patriarchy has fomented hate solely to wield power, trashed this Earth for profit–not stewards. Patriarchy=destructive destroyers. I know…in a misogynistic culture, male adjacency/pandering/imitating is key to being seen as a leader, as presidential. (Think–pant suits!) Still, VP Harris needs to woman-up!

If you propose to speak always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind. Buddha

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