Winter Solstice and Christmas

I’m writing this on December 21st, the winter solstice. I’ve always thought of winter as the season of darkness, but I’ve been wrong. Because today is the shortest day of the year, the beginning of winter, from here on a microsecond of daylight is added to each day. And the weight, the veil I spoke of in a previous post is incrementally lightened and lifted. Winter is the season of the coming forth of light.

I don’t care much for Christmas. I usually put the candelabras in the windows, but I’m debating whether or not to bother this year. I haven’t put up a tree in years, but I still collect ornaments. In the past I had nativity and carolers’ displays. I had Santas on every shelf. Then, one year, before the Pandemic, my old, old artificial tree fell apart. Since then, I haven’t put up a tree, but one year I did decorate my potted miniature pine tree. The one in the picture. I might do that this year.

The Sankofa bird , in the picture, is a symbol of looking back into the past to learn from one’s ancestors and to use the knowledge to move into the future with a renewed purpose. The evergreen tree is a symbol of immortality, peace, and unity. Time to reflect on 2023 and the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve of that year. Let’s rejoice in the peal of the bell that chimes in 2024!

I rewatched Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, the 1984 version with George C. Scott. There’s a version with Patrick Stewart that I might also watch. When Scrooge says that there are prisons and poor houses for the destitute, it reminded me of this country. The wealthy really don’t care about the welfare of the masses. They will lie, cheat, and steal not to be one of the masses. And they label any assistance to the masses socialism. That was the mindset of the British settlers and the mindset that permeates attitudes and policies toward the masses.

The former president said in a recent harangue that immigrants are poisoning the blood. This is code speak for white replacement theory that is beloved by white supremacists. So, did the former president’s immigrant wife poison the blood. Guess not…she’s blonde..nordic blonde. What about his immigrant German ancestors? No…they got themselves classified as “white”. Does anyone even call him out on the status of his current wife in this country? For some period of time, was she not here illegally, having overstayed her work VISA? So, if you, the immigrant, can be classified as “white”, specifically Nordic white, you are not poisoning the blood? All those brown people who classify themselves as white…you know, the ones from South and Central America, they are the ones flooding the border…those white people are poisoning the blood? I just heard a deluded Black male saying that the former president is not a racist. Sometimes, you have to call words what they are…hateful, racist, ignorant and the person spouting those words is all of those things too.

I read another article where the author says that people support the former president because while he says outrageous awful things, his policies didn’t reflect his rhetoric. One wonders what rock the author was under for four years. Hate crimes increased because of the former president’s words, tax breaks went to the wealthy and corporations…need I go on? We lost constitutional rights because of the former president. I suppose if you are wealthy, then the former president’s words and actions could be considered moderate. But when your wife, daughter, lady friend, etc. needs an abortion…that’s more money out of pocket for you as they will need an extended vacation to a country where abortion is legal. Extended…to hide the true reason for the hurried trip.

Sunset on December 21st, the winter solstice, is 4:36 p.m., per the weather app on my phone. The day is almost over and the clouds have hidden the sun, so it is already twilight dark outside. Just looked at the time…the shortest day is officially over.

The former president wants to indemnify police officers. A long time ago, a police officer told me that many of his colleagues were, at heart, criminals, with no stomach for jail. As police officers, they could commit crimes with impunity and, because of the thin blue line, they were rarely held accountable for their criminal acts. Also, many police departments give preference to veterans. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a veteran with PTSD wielding a weapon, taking lives because he or she thinks they’re back in a combat situation. Basically, the former president is advocating for a time when law enforcement was accountable to no one. During that period of time…remember Jim Crow…many innocent people were murdered. And, white people were not immune from these murdering, rampaging, extortionist police. Who was paying protection money? Poor and white…what was your life worth?

Do we want those times to return?

By the way, white barbarians are still burning crosses to intimidate Black people. See story below and yes this story is about an event in November 2023.

Happy Holidays!!!!

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