Seems like I will have tomatoes in November if this weather remains warm. The tomato plants have plenty of blossoms and fruit on the vines.
Can the United States overcome its toxic misogyny to elect a female as president? Mexico has. The misogyny in this country is as deeply ingrained as in Mexico. So, we shall see.
You’ve all heard the stories…the fire fighter who sets fires in order to be hailed the hero who conquered the fires. You’ve heard of the fox who charmed the chickens. You’ve heard of the winner who stole the medal from the person who actually ran the race. Grifters, cowards, liars–that’s the character of the people who crave to rule.
Trump’s and Vance’s statements reveal a belief that it would be better to leave dying towns in the Midwest to wither away than revive them and have to share that prosperity with people who are Black, and they seem to be betting that enough American voters in enough swing states agree that it would be better to be broke than integrated. In exchange for these fearful votes, a second Trump administration would proceed to shower tax cuts on the wealthy, raise them on everyone else, slash regulations on big business, and further undermine unions, while towns like Springfield would be left to tumble further into decline. Excerpt from Atlantic article by Adam Serwer
When I was growing up, I always heard that the devil takes care of his own. What they didn’t say, but was evident, was that their God lets you suffer. You know, suffering builds character and tests your resolve/faith. So I wonder what “God” the MAGAs pray to in order for their cult leader to remain above ground, spreading hate, division, immorality, lies, and doom and gloom?
I didn’t view or listen to the debate between the VP candidates. I did listen to a couple of recaps which showed clips. We had one VP candidate (Republican) who consistently lied and one VP candidate who was speaking to a future that we could make happen. And in this zero sum society of the United States…all I see in the corporate media is who won. Lies don’t matter–only presentation. Why is it that a lie spreads like wildfire while the truth smolders?
Women are under attack everywhere. In Afghanistan, women must be completely covered in public and must not speak in public and they are prohibited from laughing in public. In Kenya, a female athlete was doused with a flammable liquid and set afire. She died. In India, a female doctor was brutally raped and murdered. In the United States, women are dying because of draconian laws that prevent them form receiving the medical care they need. These examples do not even scrape the surface of the attacks against women that occur every day, every hour.
Yet, we have men who want to be women or do they see this as a way for males to control women from another angle? Or are they so insecure as males that the only way they can envision success is to use their biological advantage in a woman’s arena? Because if they are in the woman’s arena, especially in sports, eventually, in increments, would not the standard be changed so that biological women could not succeed even in a woman’s arena?
I’ve realized that some Black males are selfish and promote that selfishness as aspirational. They have no future sense. They only care about what makes them feel good and what puts money in their pockets–NOW. And I will say it again about some of the Black males who have immigrated to the United States. They are so immersed in the colonial mindset that they do not recognize when the whites have slavery in store for them. In their countries, they vote for the criminal, the murderer, the misogynist, the slave of the colonial power. That is all they know and they bring that mindset to the United States. They will always be a friend of white supremacy.
“But the frustrated and humiliated intellectual, the rich and scared speculator, the spoiled son, the labor tyrant, the fellow who has achieved success by smelling out the wind of success—they would all go Nazi in a crisis,” she wrote. “Those who haven’t anything in them to tell them what they like and what they don’t—whether it is breeding, or happiness, or wisdom, or a code, however old-fashioned or however modern, go Nazi.” Quote by Dorothy Thompson, American Journalist in the 1930s who interviewed Hitler in excerpt from October 21, 2024 Heather Cox Richardson
In a searing article today, political scientist Rachel Bitecofer of The Cycle explored exactly what that means in a piece titled “What (Really) Happens If Trump Wins?” Bitecofer outlined Adolf Hitler’s January 30, 1933, oath of office, in which he promised Germans he would uphold the constitution, and the three months he took to dismantle that constitution.
By March, she notes, the concentration camp Dachau was open. Its first prisoners were not Jews, but rather Hitler’s prominent political opponents. By April, Jews had been purged from the civil service, and opposition political parties were illegal. By May, labor unions were banned and students were burning banned books. Within the year, public criticism of Hitler and the Nazis was illegal, and denouncing violators paid well for those who did it. Excerpt from October 21, 2024 Heather Cox Richardson
It’s as though we have no memory of the Iron Curtain and the pervasive fear of the people of the people who lived in those regimes. One could not even trust one’s family members in such regimes. Most wanted the crumbs they received as a result of betraying their families and neighbors. Why would those who vote for a fascist dictator want that for their children, their grandchildren? And the one’s who vote for the dictator will always be the have-nots in such a regime. The dictator will only surround himself with those who are like him and worse. THe have-nots will be used and abused for the enrichment and pleasure of the dictator and the dictator’s minions.
Also, do you really want the Republican vice president nominee to be president? What if their plan is to elect #45 who will then pardon himself of all the federal crimes and then oust him as unfit for office? (You do know that senility runs in his family and his speeches show evidence of cognitive decline?)Then we have the converted Catholic as president. There is nothing more rabid than a convert. Note Reagan and #45 who converted to the Republican Party. And this convert is affiliated with Opus Dei. I have read both fiction and fact about Opus Dei. Any organization that wants to make religion and, in this case Catholicism, the focus of one’s life is suspect. It may be a leap, but it is a form of control of the masses while the select few are free to abuse, use, and misuse the masses. And, the christian nationalist agenda would be his agenda. There would be no freedom of religion, no freedom of speech (note what DeSantis tried to do in Florida), no second amendment (no dictator will abide an armed citizenry), no rule of law.
However, an ignorant citizenry cannot sustain a democracy…and that is a substantial number of the citizenry of the United States. They are ignorant and have no desire to be anything other than ignorant. That is the reason we are where we are today.
Is hate such an aphrodisiac that nothing else matters?
This is not a civilized country. Just saw a comment and the gist was “if I don’t use it, then I shouldn’t have to pay for it”. In a civilized society, there is something we define as the public good. The public good is paid for by all because this “good” makes life better for most, if not all. That concept appears to have eluded a great number of residents of the United States where a good many believe that making it better for the one percent somehow benefits the hoi polloi.
…If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. Sun Tzu
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